Ruby has been diagnosed with nasal arteritis. Her sore nose is a result of an immune response attacking the skin cells causing ulceration. We will be starting on a very expensive £70 per tube, ointment on Monday and see if any improvement. It is a life long condition and could be a bigger immunity disorder. It is a rare condition but wondered if anyone had any experience of this in any dog. Thanks Chloe
Oh heck Chloe , sounds horrible , sorry I cant help but I do so hope the ointment works , poor love .
Thank you Kate. Fortunately she doesn't appear to be bothered by it at the moment, but holding her mouth closed for at least a minute every day to let the ointment soak in and stop her licking it off is going to bother her !
Poor Ruby I hope the ointment heals the ulceration, and that you find a way of training her not to lick it off. I think some special treats coming her way
I hope Ruby is doing ok, I know this is quite an old thread, but my beautiful lab, Maddy, has been told she may also have this - our kitchen has looked like the scene of a massacre with the amount of prolific bleeding! How have you found the treatment and how is Ruby responding? has she bled much and what have you been able to do to control it. So sorry for the many questions, I guess it was the same for you in the beginning.