I have holidayed with a friend who was so frightened of spiders that she came knocking on my door in the wee small hours because there was a spider between her and the loo. She is also a walking companion and very nervous when dogs approach us or bark. I just tell them to be quiet or go away and generally they do. After all they are only protecting their turf and you should respect that. My friend however has no fear of snakes and they give me the creeps. I won't even watch them on TV. Just shows everybody has their dark spaces and we should all respect that (I refuse respect the people who are afraid to pick up after their dogs)
Bats , oh the name makes me shudder, I wouldn't hurt one but ................... Thank goodness you don't see them on the beach , I don't think
Ooo, @kateincornwall - not at all, there are stacks of bats on beaches with cliffs. I guess you won't be joining the Par beach bat walk anytime soon.....
Right, that's clowns, bats, spiders, snakes, and tired lorry drivers (that's mine - I'm sure one will kill me and my dog on the M5 one day.....) banned from beaches....
Ok. No tired lorry drivers, working as a part time clowns (that's why they are tired), riding a cow, and juggling spiders with a side show display of bats and snakes. Got it. Ban them! Ban them! Meantime, everyone should be glad the dogs are there to protect them!
I googled Par beach bat walk, just in case you were making it up All my life living here and never heard of it, thankfully No more moonlit walks there then
Haha! No, Kate, I wasn't making it up! It's true. Extensive and interesting collection of bats on Par beach. Sorry.....me and Charlie are going to the next one. I doubt he'll care much about the bats, though.
Came back from a night shift to find a glass tumbler in the bath with a cook book on top of it! Hubby and grown up son off to work, post it note on top saying Harry the spider came to visit, he wanted to wait to see you
Oh Kate, we have 2 bats that live in our close (I think) and circle around our garden every evening at twilight. Our neighbour has a bat door knocker in their honour. What about mice? I am the only one in my house that can deal with them either dead or alive (mores the pity!)
Bats fly round our garden at twilight, we watch them sometimes and we once found one in our sitting room on a book shelf. Managed to very carefully pick it up and it flew off David's hand. Lovely x
It was during the summer and we had the french doors open, it flew in we hadn't realised until the next day
No Bat poop, checked!! It's the birds that drop down our chimneys that cause us problems, especially if we are out come back to bird poo everywhere. Sending David up onto the roof in the Summer to cap all the chimneys x