Hi, I can't seem to be able to upload my GoPro videos onto Flickr. Can any GoPro users offer any advice please? I have them transferred onto Photos on my Macbook Pro, should I be using something different? I can transfer photographs ok using the Photos app. I'm not very technical Thank you
I don't use the gopro editor - it's awful. I'm using a PC with windows. Transfer file using file explorer and store them on your PC. Preview your material and sort out the files that contains useful stuff - discard the other files. Open the files that have the stuff you want with something like movie maker. Use split and edit tools, remove all your mistakes and very embarrassing stuff, leaving a video you are happy for others to see. Save the file 'for computer' in MP4 etc. Upload to flickr.
Thank you Julie, I'll have another go tomorrow when I can hopefully work out iMovie. I keep bodging it up tonight
Oh, I use iMovie too, so if you have any questions, just give me a shout. I don't find it very intuitive compared to most Apple software.
It took me until 1am to get 6 short clips onto iMovie and then resaved onto ordinary movies. Oh that was hard work, the help information on iMovies wasn't very helpful to me I'll see if they will download onto Flickr later. Thank you Fiona