A bit earlier I watched Phillipa Williams' gundog display (live on YouTube). Very similar to last year but still entertaining. Also saw the Gordon Setter win the group. He was a lovely dog but I think I would have picked the flat coat. Anyone else been watching?
This yellow girl (Rocheby Sensational) got Best of Breed in the Labrador Retrievers: http://www.rochebylabradors.co.uk/sensational.html
I like her head a lot. Nice tail and topline and lovely angles (hind end and shoulder etc). But, yeah, personally I'd add another inch to her legs. The distance from the top of the shoudler to the top of the front leg (roughly elbow area) is supposed to be the same as the distance from the top of the leg to the floor. Otherwise I like her a lot and I think she is a definite improvement on Romeo.
I quite like her too. Not perfect, but having had a dog with joint problems, I'm looking at those thighs in admiration. The gundog group judging is starting now on 4 plus 1...
I liked the English Setter. The Gordon had a beautifully shiny coat, he was a great soft thing on the sofa afterwards.
Oh Rocheby Sensational is up...lovely gaits.... Flatcoat is lovely. A few of the spaniels are a bit depressing....
Funny looking Spaniels and the Lab looks too chunky and short. Loved the Gordon Setter such a character and the Flatcoat. Some funny looking little gun dogs in there. The Clumber was so short. Beautiful GSP and English Pointer just so elegant
I really liked the Gordon, what a handsome soft boy. Rather lie d the Sussex Spaniel well. The Spinone was rather handsome But then I have a soft spot. The flatcoat is gorgeous but didn't do as well as last year
I loved the Flatcoat , such a handsome dog, but quite pleased to see the Gordon win the group , I see a family of three of them at Golitha Falls regularly , such lovely dogs
I thought most of the spaniels (not the Sussex) looked miserable - where were the waggy tails? The lab looked happy enough but didn't make me want to take him home. The Flatcoat just looked so full of the joys of spring.
That's because she does have remarkably short legs. It may seem quite a little thing, that inch or two on the leg. But it is actual a major and serious interference in the structural balance of the Labrador This picture isn’t perfect but it gives you a rough idea of what is actually missing from the show lab. The puppy on the right is from working lines and isn’t stacked, but is not particularly tall and has normal labrador proportions. I am at a complete loss to explain why show breeders are doing this to our breed. I can't see any purpose or benefit to it, and mechanically, the greater the disproportion between spine length and leg length, the greater the risk of spinal problems.
Actually I don't think show breeders would deny that they are doing this. And I am sure it is a simple matter to find better images to illustrate the difference. But no-one seems to know why this is happening!
I think it is happening because the barrel chest requirement has been exaggerated, and the dog has to stay within the height limit. If you select for both of those requirements, you get shorter legs.