Hi @JulieT - is either of these photos better? (If you'd like to do some more red-dotting....?) Ooops, I can't get the first one to rotate properly.... and in the second one he is doing a balancing act on a narrow plank so possibly not very relaxed....!
They should be. Proof of joie de vivre He is very handsome. Love love love his tail and markings (that's not dirt, is it @Rosie ? )
Wow, he is lovely. He is obviously very fit and healthy. He definitely has a 'waist' and fit muscles on his hind legs. I'm still trying to get a good side view pic of Homer as it could be an interesting comparison.
Aw, thank you for saying that! As the owner of a 41.5kg labrador I'm a bit paranoid about whether he is over-weight..... I mean, I THINK he looks a good shape but maybe I'm fooling myself.... ...... Thank you for the second opinion!!!