Is it just me who has to proof against seasons? When the snow came, it sent the dogs loopy and all our training went out the window. Now, Spring seems to be on the way. Last night and this morning, they were complete nutters, with proper zoomies and an overload of Labrador joie de vivre. On the plus side, two interactions with two unknown male dogs in two days and Shadow, full of the joys of spring, has just wanted to play, bowing, bouncing and just acting the fool.
No, it's not just you I'm the same. Yesterday I wanted a really quiet walk so OH and myself headed to the gorgeous local fields. Mabel went crazy huge Hoolie zombie bum tucks. Then she really scared me and started running across the field. She never ever moves far from my side. She'd picked up the scent of a dead rabbit. No recall at all, next thing I know she is racing towards me with this headless creature swinging to and fro, we rescued it from the back of her throat. Yuk. She is super silly again today. I just can't be cross it's a joy to watch.
I guess only time will tell for us as Dexter wasn't born last spring. Mind you with our weather this winter I think he saw all four seasons in one, except for snow
I was wondering if it was different for us because our seasons are a bit more extreme than you get in the UK. Less persistent greyness! Glad to hear that others experience the same. It's all JUST SO EXCITING!!!!!
Sam, usually a quite serious dog , actually did what I call his " Lamb dance " this morning It looks ridiculous , funny and sweet all rolled into one , this big black lump jumping about with all four legs off the ground and a truly soppy look on his face Meanwhile , Millie looks on in incredulity at her big brothers antics , behaving like this isn't ladylike you know
the sap is on th rise round here too. I had a very dignified old lady(yeah right) cantering round barking at nothing in particular yesterday she was just sooooooooo happy