Gosh, I hope he is feeling better! I have never heard that about daffodils! Goodness there's so many things to keep track of, and our dogs will eat them all, quite happily I am sure!
Morning all and thanks for the well wishes. He has perked up a lot. His poop looks much healthier (can't believe I just said that!!). Still a little thrown down and not eating as well as he could but he's definitely on the mend. He had me worried sick. The past two mornings....I was actually afraid to come down the stairs in case anything had happened him (apologies for being a complete stress bag drama queen ) I wonder has anyone some tips on how to help him to eat. That wet cat food the vet gave me has completely turned Kev off his usual dry kibble (which his breeder used and usually loved). I tried mixing them together but now he's tossing his usual food aside in search for the pieces of cat food. He had such a good routine coming on....and I feel it's gone by the wayside since being sick (not that I mind....as long as he's okay) xx Thanks again for all the lovely support and links. Ye are too kind x
Oh, we puppy mums become obsessed by dog poop. We have whole discussions about it. In fact, I think it would be rare to have a thread where poo wasn't brought up somewhere! We all understand the worry they cause us, so you're not being a drama queen at all (that title is reserved for my girl, Willow, anyhow). I'm so glad Kevin seems to be feeling on the up again. As for the food, maybe mix it all together with some warm water, so the soft stuff becomes like a gravy that infuses into the kibble? Over time, you could then reduce the amount of wet stuff if he goes for this, and then let it soak for less time. You could also try adding a little low-sodium stock to his kibble to see if that would help. It may just be that his tummy is still feeling a bit sensitive and the wet food is easier on him. Give it a little time before worrying too much about it. I love his name, by the way. Hope he doesn't turn into Kevin the Teenager for you
For those of you who have no idea who Kevin the Teenager is - it was a series of Harry Enfield sketches many moons ago. How dated it looks now!!
I'll try all the above. Really I think he sees how anxious I am about the whole not eating thing and is playing it up even more (I actually spoon fed him yesterday....dear god what have I become?!?) He had already shown signs of being Kevin the teenager before being sick.....I kind of wish he'd go back to that now! (I'll regret saying that I'm sure). Thanks again. This has been such a support to me and Kevin's dad. We bought the Happy Puppy Handbook the week before we got him and had started right from the start. Just didn't expect the illness.....so we'll be starting again as soon as he has the energy and mindset for training x
Glad to hear Kevin's on the mend. It might well be a few days before he's back to eating normally and you're back to having to check it's not the wrong thing too!
Fingers crossed. And lesson learned! When u think you have your eye on them 24/7 .... still never enough!
It is said that dogs cannot digest milk (though I used to give my German Pointers milk) so I would advise against milk but rice and chicken is usually advised to give dogs with tummy problems.
Fish and rice is also good but I wouldn't add anything extra into his diet without consulting the vet first. I would stick with the cat food and gradually reduce the amount and add a little kibble mixed up in it.
I contacted the vet and he's recommended that I buy more wet cat food if he's eating that. I presume his view is just to have him eating while he's ill. The breeder however told me to boil rice in water first and then boil it again in a little milk and see how he goes on that. :-/ looks like I'm heading off to buy the cat food!
@editor Would it be possible to have something like the Dogs Trust fact sheet available as a 'sticky' on the health board?Questions often come up about puppies and dogs eating things in the garden and it would be helpful to have a good source to point to.
I would stick with the advice from the vet. Kevin is very little so it's best not to introduce too much in the way of different foods as their tummies are easily upset. Once it is clear that Kevin is well recovered is the time to start the switch back so I would be feeding the cat food for at least a day or two. I'm surprised the breeder is suggesting rice cooked in milk as milk is usually frowned upon once a puppy, or kitten, is weaned.
We've added this to the list of articles in this sticky post: http://thelabradorforum.com/threads/labrador-health-information-and-articles.1045/
http://s873.photobucket.com/user/El...8183958869292793_zpswur1muey.jpg.html?filters[user]=144957907&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1 Apologies for the random links....I'm trying to upload pics of Kevin so his well wishers can admire him x Not sure if it's working....