Obi spaniel was just lying next to me on the sofa when he rolled over. I noticed something on his willy (it was on display!) and it was blue! Concerned I looked closer........... .......... .......... it was PlayDoh found a wet wipe and removed it lol
WAIT A MINUTE! WE'VE BEEN CONNED! This is the woman who said no dogs on the sofa in her house and hasn't fessed up to the change in rule! So can we conclude, @bbrown, that you've done the right thing and the gorgeous Riley and norty Obi now have full sofa rights?????
Ah, just a matter of'll be "OH was away so...." and before we know it, the dog will be on the bed.
Oh, are we 'fessing here? Well, J's sleep patterns are screwed at the moment, so he's been sleeping mainly on the sofa. The bed seems so big with just me in it, so I may have had a bit of furry company a couple of times. The yellow monster is slowly learning not to be so wriggly. He does have a habit of lying full-length on top of me at about 6am, though.
Ha ha ha ha ha ,I was onto this too straight away.....was nearly typing before I'd read the whole thread! Yesssssss! Another one gone to the dogs! X