I'm pretty sure he wouldn't stop on his way to a dummy yet but our history of rewarding stop is pretty much 100% so it's one of his most solid behaviours.
Here's a very poor video of a reasonable double mark retrieve followed by a short blind. Sorry about the GoPro angle!! Love watching that little white bum hustle away from me lol I was trying to get some video of his hunting but both the videoing and the hunting were so awful I've thrown them away. I might be able to get some videoing help over the weekend so I'll try again. When I watched what video I did have though I just thought to myself that dog has no idea what you want him to do! So I'm going to have a rethink about hunting and perhaps start from scratch. I think because I have a turn whistle I was under the impression that he was hunting......they are NOT the same thing
That's Riley's fault actually. He's terrible for carrying by the string. Obi picks quite well (at the moment)