David had quite a breakthrough with Charlie yesterday. He was walking early in the morning at stupid o'clock when a very large fully antlered deer popped out on to the track and stood looking at them. Bless David he said he very nearly blew up the clicker to C&T Charlie for looking at it and being QUIET he didn't make a sound or leap about - nothing OK he was on lead but still a huge challenge for Charlie boy. If he had been off lead, well David no doubt would have missed his train Small steps xx
Helen I can imagine how delighted you are,as the owner of a deer chasing gold medalist ( showcased perfectly last evening !) I salute you and David! X
No, not all - huge steps. Well done Charlie and David. xx Think we need to hear more about these exploits
Never mind small steps, that's fantastic! Well done Charlie. Oh and David. We came across an escaped cow loose in the plantation the other day (there shouldn't be any stock in there) - totally unexpected. Coco chased. The cow stood it's ground for a while as Coco barked and jumped at it. It backed off, he followed. Eventually he came away, but I wasn't ready with the treat or the lead - he ran back and carried on jumping and barking. He came back a second time - I was ready this time - whole frankfurter. Heart in mouth, OH glowering like it's somehow my fault !?. Hoping the high number of failed recalls haven't had an impact.
Good boy Charlie. Also interesting the deer had antlers. Our White Tailed Deer don't have any this time of year. You have more species, wild or escaped, than we do.
(It's an old and boring story Rosemary,incomp dog owner unable to train her dog to keep his marbles when the thrill of the deer chase is available ......hangs head.I was walking with friends last eve ( don't usually do the desert in the evening) I wasn't concentrating on him as much as I should have been as we were talking and he was out if the zone where I have seconds to grab him, hangs head again.Off he went ,much to the amusement of my friends Mum who was with us whilst on holiday. He's back within a minute and sat at my feet.....but it's a long minute when you have people with you......puts head under pillow) Sorry for the hijack Helen ,but I think my stories makes you and David shine even more!
If Charlie returned within a minute after a deer chase I would hold my head up high!! Hijack away I don't mind at all at least I don't feel so alone xx
Hey @Dexter, we've all been there. Back in a minute is brilliant, apologies @charlie Helen for a slight hi-jack but Angela needs reassurance .... Juno has only run after a deer once, on one of our weekly group walks in France. We had seen the deer cross our path further down the lane and didn't think the dogs had, but then Ziggy caught the scent and went flying down the lane, closely followed by Juno (she was in love with Ziggy), who was followed by Jasper (who was in love with Juno). Needless to say calling, whistles etc had no effect. They disappeared from sight only to return a few minutes later - in the same order that they had run off. We just used their running towards us as part of our recalls and rewarded them when they arrived. I've come to the conclusion that when you have a dog you have to see the funny side of life
I wouldn't worry over it. Just do your normal recalls and perhaps throw in a few additional ones. Point to remember is that Coco did come back to you, just mark it down to experience and carry on.
Oh thank you, so glad it's more than a small step, I will tell David and give Charlie something yummy xx
Oh Sue I bet that gave you a shock. Glad all was OK and that Coco did come back so you did end on a very bit positive. Thank goodness for frankfurters x