Bear is in a phase now of detailed investigation, this is the perfect example, what was just a car last week, now has all sorts of bits and pieces. Having had breakfast, it was time to come out and feed the other animals, we walked past the car, like we had done every day, but then wait...what's that?..a Tow ball??? What's that??? Cheers, Cameron
Thanks everyone, it really is fun seeing how his mind is developing, I know I am going to miss this discovery phase.
I think the discovery phase is so much fun. A couple of my friends have Sammys, and the breeder would not sell the pups until they were at least 12 weeks old. Most of the US Lab breeders go for 7 weeks, which is when we got both Tilly and Cooper. So much happens in those first few weeks, that I can't imagine waiting for 12+ weeks to get a pup. They develop so fast you can see changes almost daily.