Good morning , I'm just looking for some tips to encourage Sam to take the plunge ! He's 5 months old and living in Donegal we are spoilt for choice with beaches . I've been gradually introducing him to the water ,and he's very happy to walk in the shallows ( up to his knees / sometimes shoulder) . But he won't go any further and take that final wee step where he would have to paddle / swim . I took my older dog ( very hardy 11 yr old border terrier girl) , who swims , along with us hoping he would follow her . But oh no , Sam thought woohoo she's doing it , I'll just stay here on the sand ! . We've all been into the water with him ( husband , me, kids , toys ) to encourage him . I'd just love for him to go for it as I'm sure he'll love the fun not to mention the benefits . Thanks in advance xx
Hi. There doesn't seem to be a set age for finding appeal in swimming. Some take to it very early, others never really get a taste for it. I think Harv was nearly a year old before he swam (in his defence we don't come across much water on most of our walks ) : Just keep giving Sam the opportunities and I'm sure he'll get there when he's ready.
I think the key is gentle encouragement, not all Labradors amazingly enough are keen on water. If he's happy playing in the shallows, focus on making it 'really fun' to play with you there perhaps with a favourite ball or dummy and gradually encourage a little more depth to the fun play. He is still young so just needs to build his confidence, but don't rush him he'll get there when he's ready
Mine didn't swim until they were nine months old, mainly because all the waterways round our way were frozen over winter, and so they didn't see any proper water until they went to the UK in the May. They promptly fell into the Thames and learned to swim sharpish! They absolutely adore swimming now, despite the shock of their first go. I agree not to push the issue (and certainly don't throw him in, like I've heard some people have done ), just see how he gets on in his own time. I think sometimes that trying too hard to be encouraging can actually end up being rather stressful for your dog, so just be happy to see him paddling around in the shallows and one day, he may choose to venture further.
My girl isn't interested in 'swimming'. She'll happily go into the water when given her cue and have a good frolic, dip her head under and generally have great fun, but then stands waiting for us to throw a dummy for her to retrieve. Then she'll happily go swimming out and back as many times as you want to throw a dummy
We've had labs that adore swimming and one that only wanted to paddle. When they're ready to swim they seem to do it without any fuss. Encouragement with toys, or having fun just out of Sam's depth, might encourage him.
Thanks everyone , yeah we've just been letting him decide if he goes in or not and how far he goes , fingers crossed he might go for it someday !
Starting out on small ponds or creeks may help also. We started our pups playing in water between 2 and 3 months. Started in little creeks that had a few deeper spots. If they like to retrieve, that is often a way to get them to go deeper.
Hi , I also have a Sam who is a black Lab aged almost five years . He was scared of water as a puppy , so I just let him be . When the opportunity arose , I did try to encourage him as I could tell by his body language that he was itching to get in there with other dogs but as a naturally cautious lad , he wanted to be sure that it was safe . I think he was around a year old when he threw caution to the wind , I went in, he followed and , on realising that this was grand fun , he takes every chance to swim
Harley fell in the duck pond when she was about 4 months old. She then stayed away from water for a few more months when suddenly one day she just went in. I do know one dog who was 'helped in' and in that case it really helped and now loves the water
That's the thing though , very very few rivers you can actually access safely where I am , unless you start climbing fences and jumping shucks , crossing farmers land etc and even when you do they are fast flowing ( into sea) or filled with fishermen who generally don't appreciate Sams help .We are so lucky though to have huge choice of beachs and plenty of safe shallows and mostly the beach to ourselves . We will just keep pottering on and let him take the big plunge when he's ready . Thanks so much for all the great replies xxx
My boy isn't a water lover ,he leapt into the sea out of his depth when he was about 6 months old and that put him off a bit...not to mention the saltiness of the water. Last Summer I spent time encouraging him into the swimming pool and now he gets in voluntarily but only from the steps,he wouldn't jump in from the side! He will walk round a puddle and last night he changed sides to avoid a dodgy sprinkler that was shooting out across the's 40 degrees here ,other dogs were pulling towards it!
Maisie's first swim was in the sea. My son waded in and encouraged her to swim to him and get a tennis ball. She was hesitant at first, but once she had her feet off the floor there was no stopping her her! She is now a water monster!
This is him trying to encourage a toy towards him in the dog park pool rather than getting in from the side!
40 degrees yikes !!! It's 18 here today and that's good for us . Wow a dog pool! That's brilliant , nothing at all like that here at all