Now that Twiglet has gone to School and taken a piece of our hearts with us, we are boarding Guide Dog puppies while their puppy walkers go away on holiday - until the new pupster arrives (October). Our first visitor is Rossi - Twiglet's brother, with us for the weekend. He is SO like her in every way, just bigger and bouncier! He backs into us for top of tail scratches just like she did and wags his whole body like she did, asks to play like she did etc, sometimes I think we've got her back!! Tatze has been amazing with him - she just loves all these pups! As soon as one arrives she is completely overjoyed. They played lots all evening. But Rossi didn't settle at bed time, he cried and barked. So I came down and put the radio on, just like we do with the little pupsters - it worked! He slept all night. He woke me up early (6am), but not by barking, it was his tail wagging on the cupboards which woke me up!
I smiled at the tail wagging waking you. Is he not quite so advanced in training as Twiglet? (Wondering why he hasn't moved on to big school yet.)
Lovely boy. The tail wag wake up is well known to us too. I was wondering about Big School for him too.
He's not quite ready as his spending routine isn't 100% yet, but he's due to go at the end of June, if all is well. They go any time between 12 and 16 months, depending on when they are ready. ..
Ah he is so like Twiglet across the eyes,so funny that they are so alike! Tatze is just such an amazing dog how she copes with the arrivals x
Rossi looks very handsome! Is that a crate of toys in the background? If so, Tatze and Rossi must be completely exhausted as they're ignoring it!
Crazy play in the garden! The flower pots have survived the weekend and the lawn has car park matting underneath, so will recover! Tatze is amazing and tempers her play to the energy of the pup. Remember this one?
Good heavens, I held my breath as they ran round those flower pots, thought they were all going to be turned over
Look who has come to visit for the afternoon - nine week old guide dog puppy Sparky, staying with us while his puppy walker takes a guide dog and his owner out for a free run. Sparky is a little sweetheart and Tatze thinks he's brill!