Weather rebellion?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Halo, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. Halo

    Halo Registered Users

    May 17, 2016
    I'm sure I don't have the only fair weather potty dog, but I'm not quite sure how to handle the weather rebellion. My lovely 11 week old boy was doing wonderful going outside to potty until he decided he is not going to go out there unless he sees sun. If it's sunny, he will run to the designated spot outside every time I open the door and quickly take care of business. But if it's even cloudy (doesn't even have to be raining or wet outside) he won't budge. I think he hates getting his feet wet so he just stands there even if I sit him outside and won't move. I would rather not start treating him to potty so I guess I'll just have to wait for mother nature to take over cuz he has to eventually go at sometime, right? :) I have a feeling this is going to be an uphill battle and it's not helping the house-training process cuz he will gladly potty inside every time there is weather he doesn't like and I obviously can't keep picking him up the rest of his life. I would love to hear how some of you dealt with this. I need some success stories! ;)
  2. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    I left a coat, wellies and a brolly by the back door and went outside. It was the only way to be sure my dogs had gone to the toilet.

    I also, when they were young, rewarded them for toileting outside.

    good luck and I hope the weather improves for both your sakes :D
    Bruer likes this.
  3. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    My boy would rather cross his legs and wait rather than get cold and wet (unless it is in the sea or muddy river of course!). We have to make him go outside, but we also go with him (well one of us does) - big fuss made of him when he goes to the toilet and we then have a game of towel drying him - he has a big rough and tumble with the OH while being dried which he loves. Unfortunately you are going to get cold and wet too but patience and repetition will pay off. We are at 15 weeks old now and accident free for three weeks so far!
  4. Halo

    Halo Registered Users

    May 17, 2016
    Thanks. I go out with him rain or shine but he just doesn't move once he's out there if it's weather he doesn't approve of. He just stands there looking at me like oh heck NO! :shake:
  5. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Then bring him back in and a few minutes later back out. You're right nature will take it's course you just need to make sure that's outside. It's a very dull and possibly very wet process but it doesn't last forever :D
    Halo likes this.
  6. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Go with your puppy, and definitely give him treats for having a pee or a poo in the garden. Give him extra treats if it's wet and cold. :)
  7. Halo

    Halo Registered Users

    May 17, 2016
    I go out with him but he just stands there and could care less about the joys of towel drying. Ha. :rolleyes:
    Congrats at being accident free for 3 weeks! I know that's got to be exciting! How often do you take him out and how long is he crated? How much freedom in the house does he get? Does he see the house as his crate yet? Sometimes I wonder if it will ever click cuz my guy will not potty in his crate but will gladly go in the house if I'm not on top of taking him out often. :(
  8. Emily

    Emily Registered Users

    May 19, 2015
    Melbourne, Australia
    Same. Yuk, I remember the countless nights standing in the rain pleading with Ella to hurry up and do a wee!

    Ella still prefers not to wee in the rain. Some mornings I'll open the back door, she'll go to take a step out, realise it's raining and turn around to head off to the couch! Luckily I know she's house trained now and will ask to go out a bit later or she'll just go when we're on our morning walk.
    drjs@5 likes this.
  9. Branston1080

    Branston1080 Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2016
    Winnie's first week with us, she's 12 weeks on sunday and doing very well on the house training front. The weather however has been interesting and yes just like @Halo Winnie has looked at me like you must be joking! So standing out on the lawn at 4:30am, dressing gown on and umbrella up. I just have to wait it out and she goes eventually!
    She's only been with us a week and only 2 accidents, both my fault for not watching carefully enough!
    drjs@5 and Halo like this.
  10. Halo

    Halo Registered Users

    May 17, 2016
    Oh that's very hopeful. Can't wait till Halo does that. I can handle the ability to "postpone" it but not the decision to change the location! :D I stood out there for almost a half hour with him just staring at me and not taking one step. Then he started to protest and whimper so I took him back to his crate until the sun came out. :sun:
  11. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Hello all. My boy is 27 months old and he still balks at doing potty in the rain or when grass is wet. Even when it is sunny outside he will ONLY potty first thing in the morning and then will wee when we go out for a walk. Very strange!! Yes,I have been out in the rain and in the snow waiting for him to wee or potty when he was a pup I live in northern USA and it is COLD and SNOWY here...Now when he does not go I know he will,ultimately.....because he can't not go forever, right? But when they are puppies you don't have a choice or you will have accidents. Good luck with Halo.....they do get better....
    Halo likes this.
  12. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    We only ever used a create at night due to space being an issue downstairs. From day one he has pottered around the front room and kitchen as he wanted (both hard floors and easy to wash). We had a lot of cleaning to do the first week, but after then he seemed to either wait until my OH went outside for a smoke - so once every couple of hours - or go and wait by the back door. A couple of times he went to the back door and had a wee without waiting, but a puppy pad by the back door for three weeks seemed to do the trick. We have been very lucky in that from day 1 Bailey has gone through the night - so for around 6 hours. However we are lucky that he can come with us during the day and spends as much time outside as he likes with easy access for him. He now seems to see the house and my place of work as "his" and its only occasionally when playing with other dogs that he has an accident. We were, and still are, vigilant when he wanders out to the back door and are quick to let him out if he stands looking at us, but three weeks and counting :)

    Shame your boy doesn't enjoy the joys of towel drying, Bailey really does enjoy that whether he is wet or not!

    Keep going and one day, yes it will click and you will realise that today has been accident free.
    Halo likes this.
  13. samandmole

    samandmole Registered Users

    Feb 1, 2016
    Mole was exactly the same, hated getting his paws wry and still daintily avoids mud or puddles (strange lab!!) but we did treat for going outside and as we got him in January (never again!!!) when it was wet cold and dark for a couple of months it was challenging to say the least! What worked for us was using a word (pee) and treating when he did. You don't have to do this forever but it really does help in those early stages and he quickly worked out to do his business for a treat - and it does help later to have them pee on command if you are in a hurry or on a car stop on a long journey! I don't need to treat anymore and haven't since he was around 5 months.
    Good luck!!
    Sam and Mole (7mo)
    Halo likes this.

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