Halti was a success!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Kelsey&Axel, Jun 18, 2016.

  1. Kelsey&Axel

    Kelsey&Axel Registered Users

    May 5, 2016
    I tried a halti on Axel for the first time and it was amazing. He did try to get it off for the first 5 mins of the walk but then he got used to it and he wasn't pulling me all over the place. Got back from our walk without sore hands or sore arms lol:D for anyone who is pondering the idea of one, I highly recommend!


    Bruer, charlie, Cath and 4 others like this.
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    I'm glad you had a walk that didn't involve pulling. I'm sure that was a really big relief.

    In parallel, I'd recommend also working on (a) having him stay close to you off lead (this will be in your backyard at first or a smallish enclosed area) and (b) continuing to train loose lead walking with the normal collar and lead - again start this in totally non-distracting environments. Use the approach of stopping dead if he pulls - don't move a single step till he slackens the lead slightly, then instantly keep walking.

    Ultimately it'd be great if you could walk him without the head halter. They work to some degree because dogs don't like the sensation of having something pressing on their muzzle and it makes them subdued. If you keep training with the collar/harness so that he learns not to pull in that arrangement maybe you can go back to just using that for walks at some point in the future, once he's a bit older.

    In the meantime, it's good that you've found a circuit breaker that will allow you to have more relaxed walks together.
  3. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Really pleased that your first use of the Halti on a walk was positive and that things continue to improve. :)
    Kelsey&Axel and Newbie Lab Owner like this.
  4. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    I'm glad you've had some respite. It can be very wearing when dogs pull.

    I agree with Rachael, try and keep up the loose lead training and you'll have a wonderful good mannered dog.
    Kelsey&Axel likes this.
  5. Millieboo

    Millieboo Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2016
    USA pa
    So beautiful dog. I got a halti that I got for a pitbull I took in while the owner was looking for a permanent home for him in February. It worked wonders for him, he was 8months and pulled me all over until I got the halti, after a week I didn't even need it anymore. He was used to getting his way through.. No comments about that irresponsible dog owner , I was the one in the end finding him the home he needed and I still got contact with them.
    Hope you can start enjoy the walks and that you won't need it for long. I'm hoping I won't need to use it on Millie, she's walking very good next to me behind the stroller so far unless she sees some birds.
    Kelsey&Axel likes this.
  6. Kelsey&Axel

    Kelsey&Axel Registered Users

    May 5, 2016
    Thanks for the advice :) I got it so I can walk him in our neighbourhood because of cars and lots of distractions like bikers and cats and people and kids etc. He would pull so hard no matter what and I would get blisters. When we are walking trails he's great. No pulling after a minute or too so still needs training but he was very tolerable.

    My hope is that after using the halti for a bit that he will get used to knowing he can't pull to go where ever he wants.

    I'll practice in the backyard like you suggested and see if that helps:D
    Naya and Oberon like this.
  7. Kelsey&Axel

    Kelsey&Axel Registered Users

    May 5, 2016
    Oh that's so wonderful! I'm glad it was a happy ending for the pitbull puppy.

    Sounds like you may be ok and won't need one for Millie. Im hoping I will only need this for a very short time :)
  8. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    It is so nice when you get back from a walk unstressed doesn't it! I know they are not a 'permanent' fix, but can really help make the change. I only use my head collar on Harley for new places where I know she would pull me over. It's my security blanket that I can call on if really needed. It's really helped us insofar as I can now walk from my house to the shops and back on a harness or flat collar with no pulling. I hope it continues to help and let's you move forward with your loose lead walking
    Bruer likes this.
  9. Newbie Lab Owner

    Newbie Lab Owner Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    Lovely photos, happy to hear that you've both had a lovely stress free walk. You'll find it much easier to be consistent now that you're not being pulled and not getting sore hands and arms. You're doing a grand job with your pup. X
  10. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    I really do hope that it moves you on with your training. I know that there is something good in being able to walk your pup in a safe way, goodness knows I’ve struggled with loose lead walking enough myself, and if a head collar is the only thing that allows that, then it’s necessary.

    I have to say though, it breaks my heart to see young dogs with their heads trussed up in these devices – which just gives them no choice but to submit to what you want them to do. I know this can be unpopular to say, but please use this as a stop gap to see you through, and move onto something less restrictive for your pup.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2016
    Joy and bbrown like this.
  11. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    Great news. What a lovely photo of Axel :)
  12. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    What lovely photo's and Axel looks relaxed to me :) Hopefully this will just be a means to an end helping you train loose lead walking. Everyone needs help sometimes so good luck! xx :)
  13. Jes72

    Jes72 Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2014
    We use something similar to a Halti with a lot of success. He'll still pull with a normal lead but be as good as gold with the Halti.
  14. Kelsey&Axel

    Kelsey&Axel Registered Users

    May 5, 2016
    Thanks everyone! The last three walks have been so great. It actually feels like we are bonding now while out for a stroll. I did end up taking it off yesterday half way through the walk as he seemed agitated. Which then he pulled the rest of the way home but not as bad as before.

    I'll keep working on it! Baby steps :) he goes back for puppy classes in September and walking loose on a lead is part of what will be trained. So I'm very excited!
    PawPrints likes this.
  15. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    can you try training loose lead walking at home as an extra? - ie not actually going anywhere, rather than wait for September's puppy class - you'll get a head start then.
    Cath likes this.
  16. Kelsey&Axel

    Kelsey&Axel Registered Users

    May 5, 2016
    We do train everyday :) he's amazing for my husband. But he's a lot more firm than I am. My husband doesn't need the halti at all so we really only got it for me so when I walk him during the day I can actually do it without losing an arm ha. Axel is good for me if there are no distractions, which rarely happens :rolleyes:
  17. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    ha ha it's the opposite for us - I'm very strict with Coco, we don't move if the lead isn't slack, we just don't go anywhere. OH just allow himself to be dragged up the road, and then complains and shouts that his back & feet are hurting - he can't bear to be not progressing up the road. You have a great starting point if Axel is good for you without distractions. Keep up with the Halti for walks & then practicing without, you're doing great.
  18. PawPrints

    PawPrints Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2016
    Thank you for sharing your updates on using the Halti. It's been almost 8 years since I had a puppy so as I vneture into starting the process of getting another puppy I find these posts helpful as I will learn from them as I get into training another puppy.
  19. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Really pleased to hear that you have had three positive walks. Bonding with your dig is so much easier when you're not having a constant battle to move forward without pulling. If the Halti helps you that's great, practice loose lead when you can at home any you'll soon be walking loose lead without the Halti. :)
  20. Kelsey&Axel

    Kelsey&Axel Registered Users

    May 5, 2016
    You're welcome! This site has helped me so much with my puppy
    PawPrints likes this.

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