I would only use one if the dog is starting to really hurt me! I would get in between the aggressive dog and my pup, but lord knows what an aggressive dog can do!!
you don't live were I do we dodge the drug sellers got nearly mugged once, spat at, swore at had coins thrown at me surround by big youths and asked if i have sex with my dog but not so politely. I have done self defence classes and do a risk assesment on every walk but the bad people walk among us. On friday I was accosted by a man with no trousers on he was not too disturbing and I went and joined a friend. This is a regular thing and something which is expected by female dog walkers round here. parks act as a magnet to pervs unfortuntaley. It is considered a good area round here but when you are out and about you do tend to see things. A few weeks ago I found a till with a charity tin connected to it in a hedge and had to call the police. I don't think i would like to weaponise dog walking but I would just like to be left in peace to walk my dogs. I have found that my tolerance for any sort of bullying has became short.
Oh, I wasn't for a minute implying that you don't feel the need to protect yourself. I meant it saddens me that good people do feel the need to. That good people find themselves in these potentially dangerous situations. It's sad that there are such horrible degenerates in the world. What motivates them is beyond me.
I live in the part of the country where "if you don't own a firearm, they will issue one", but no way I'm going to carry something big enough to stop a bear. Of course I don't live in Alaska either.
I know what you mean. Folks can walk around with a firearm in a holster here! With all the bears, bars, and firearms, it's a wonder more bad things don't happen!
Ahhhh, just saw Mt. Hood area. So it's A LOT like here!! Bears everywhere!! lol. Beautiful part of the US and what a great place for Cooper to get to experience and yes, he is terminally cute!!!
I didn't think you did but anywhere can be dangerous its just I know the threats here and it gets me down. All I want is peace and a nice walk and mostly I get it but sometimes I'm at the mercy of socially and mentally inept people. I did an experiment and spoke to a smiled at everyone I met for a 30 min period whilst walking some I Knew and some i didn't every single one either smiled back or said good morning. Most people are fine but the bad people walk amoung us, i just try to avoid them if i can't i have lots of strategies now to deal with this stuff.
Yea, but they are Black Bears, not Brown Bears. The poo is not full of little silver bear bells and doesn't smell like pepper. We do have to have bear resistant garbage cans though. I probably should change Cooper's picture, since she is 24" and 85# now.