Having waited for it to cool off a bit this evening, I offered the SBD (Small Black Dog) a walk into the field. No response to a call from the back door, and when I went through to where she was sitting and showed her the lead I was greeted with a loud snarl and she scarpered off behind the sofa. Ok so that was clear then!
My two never turn down the possibility of a walk. Maybe they'll turn their nose up at a late night "emptying" if they've settled in, and sometimes Willow isn't the best morning person in the world, but as soon as those collars rattle, they're there! My problem here in Spain is convincing them it's too hot to be haring around like hooligans... SBD has the right idea
My thoughts entirely! SBD does makes me smile. I have three dogs here right now who have perfected that "melted into the floor" look....they might budge for a frozen kong though...
Can't believe that any dog would not leap with joy at the thought of a walk Maybe she is set in her ways and the evenings are for resting, she certainly can tell you what she wants, or in this case what she doesn't want
Pongo loves his walks. But last thing at night we have a routine where I take him round the garden for 10 minutes. He never wants to go and has developed a regular game of pretending to be FAST asleep (although he knows that I know that he knows that I know he isn't asleep really). A few nights ago I dragged him bodily across the floor - dead weight - with my hands under his ribs, hauling him a foot at a time, all the way across the sitting room to the french windows, until we got to the stage where his head was dangling out over the step...at which point he decided he'd had enough and opened one eye. The other technique involves a bit of warm roast chicken held JUST out of reach of his lips.... his nose and mouth can't pretend to be asleep quite as well as the rest of him.... he stretches and slithers across the carpet across to reach the chicken, eyes screwed tight shut and trying to pretend to snore at the same time.... I need to video this really....
Oh my - I thought I had trouble with Ripple and last thing at night wees, usually a handful of Go Cat will stir him, obviously a lightweight compare to Pongo.
This has left me concerned. I regularly carry Xena outside for her last wee because otherwise she'd just go back to sleep. In fact, I'll put her down by the back door and she'll lie straight down again, so then I'm forced to pick her up again and plonk her in the garden. Are you telling me that I may be forced to do this with an ADULT labrador? I tolerate it now because she's still a pup! And yes, Pongo video!
Mind can go out if they want, but they don't and I don't force them They don't seem to need a last minute pee!
no walks for mine yesterday. just too hot if you put a bare foot on the floor it burnt! We got the paddling pool out and played games when it got a bit but we all just lay some where cool. Rory ate the pool!
Cheddar would go if I took her but no fun in that heat last night. She was in the garden most of the day chilling yesterday so that helps.
It was hot here yesterday - we went out at 8:15 - and while the pavement was cool, Coco was clearly not willing to go too far (nor did he want to forego his walk). He was pooped when we got back. It was even hotter in the evening - he's always ready for a walk what ever the temperature. He did have a bit of runny poo, I wondered if that was down to the heat or the pork fat he pinched out of the bin the morning before - I would have expected that to have had a quicker effect.