Can she even fit through doors?! I'm sorry that the op wasn't 100% positive but with any luck the tail will heal nicely and the test results will be ok. Your holiday snaps were lovely
Fits through door ways, but not much else! Poor girl was trying to play with her ball and can't get to it! We now play throw the ball in the cone!
Ah poor Maisie. She seems to be fighting off the effects of the anaesthetic very well if she's eating and wanting to play ball, so that's good. (Clever idea to stand her bowl on a pile of books!) Fingers crossed for her tail healing well. xx
everything crossed for an easy recovery & good results. We're very impressed with the size of her cone! Love the Heath Robinson solution for dinner.
Awww...poor girl. I am sure she had a fabulous holiday - photos look great, Maisie must have had a ball. I sincerely hope the results are good and her tail heals up quickly. By the sound of it, your vet will treat her the best he or she can. Get well soon girl.
Maisie looks like she had great fun on her holiday I'm so glad you found such a nice vet practice, it really does make a difference. Bless her with the HUGE cone - she is a star I hope her tail heals quickly. Sending lots of tummy rubs xx
I can imagine how anxious you are. Best of luck and hoping she will heal well and fast and that the results come back fine. I am impressed how you set her bowl onto a stack of books! Is there not a "skirt" cone you can put on her so that she can't get to her tail? Rather than cover her entire head? Just wondering... Although I suspect the "skirt" would be chewed off in no time if the tail were itchy.
Is it normal to feel sick and anxious about going back to the vet this afternoon, my nervous system is doing summersaults! Dreading the bandage change We've been out in short walks, poor girl is so unhappy, barking at anyone and anything. If I hear one more person tell me "oh well it's only her tail, could be worse" I think I may scream!
Poor you - it's completely normal to be worried about your girl. Hopefully it'll be good news and all healing up nicely. At least you have good vets, and hopefully she'll be treated gently and the visit will go smoothly.
Yes, quite normal! I was a veterinary nurse and could deal calmly with all sorts of emergencies, but if my dog or cat were affected I was a nervous wreck! How did the consultation go?
Sorry. Thank you, I was having a "bit of a moment" earlier!! I really am rubbish with all of this. Well, the bandage has been removed without sedation much to both mine and the vets surprise! The vet had a magic spray that loosed the sticky plaster and while I fed Maisie her body weight in chicken and cheese she managed to get everything off. The wound was quite inflamed so it has been left without a bandage. Extra antibiotics and more pain killers. She was so good Poor girl is now trying to get to her tail, madly licking at the cone. She is trying very hard to get to her tail and the edge of the cone is perilously close to the wound. Just fed her hoping she may settle with a full tum! Is it wine time yet?
In the last hour and 20 minutes we have been back to the vets as Maisie was going round and round in circles trying to be get to her tail and eventually she worked out how to do it ! She managed to get hold of the shaved part of her tail and start licking. We saw the head vet who examined the tail, said it looked good, but Maisie's desire to get to it was stressing her too much. So, she has now been given a sedative to see us through the night and hopefully by tomorrow morning she will have calmed down. We also have the next size cone to try as well. Forget World Service @snowbunny , we are now going to communicate with alien life. Flippin' heck.
Oh Deb so sorry, what a rotten time you and Maisie are having. Hope the sedative gives you both a peaceful night and that it looks less sore tomorrow.