We are calling her Lumpy McLump Face today. She says if we don't stop, she'll have troubles later as a teenager. I told her she will anyway.... But, she is distressed that I've posted a pic of just her ugly lump, and wants you to see all of her in her magnificent puppiness. I've also told her they will laugh at her at clicker camp if she doesn't smarten up that sit.... lumpy by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr lumpy by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr
Could be - AKA a "stye" Is it antibiotic eye ointment? If so, are you applying it direct to the lump? In Human styes I often recommend applying antibiotic eye ointment (usually chloramphenicol) to the lid margins with a cotton bud. So.....if it looks like it is along the line of some hair follicles/lashes I would say concentrate to ointment on that area?
Yes, think so....I put a single drop (it's liquid) directly on the lump, then bribe her with a bit of turkey to stay still, so it soaks in a bit.... Not really! Still think it's all a bit weird....quite like the not having to pee on every lamppost though! Although don't really like the girlie squat thing...at least with Charlie it's easy to get him to pee at the edge of the training field, because he'd never not pee on something - girls are a lot more random where they decide to have a pee!
Puppy tummy....taken during advanced cuddle training. cuddle training by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr cuddle training by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr
Yay! Puppy tummy! On the other hand, I am still mystified by Shadow's plums. I've only ever had neutered dogs before. Is it normal for a yellow boys goolies to be so dark?!
She now does a whiplash turn to any stranger in the street that screams! Awwwwww! Ohhhh! Andrex Puppy!!!!!!!! Meanwhile, my teeth are so gritted, I'm wearing them down but have yet to be very rude, just firm.
@JulieT Beautiful girl! @snowbunny Snowie has white fur and black balls. The fur over the balls is white, but the skin is very dark. It was a lot darker when he was a puppy and got mottled (pink/black) as he grew older, also the skin on his tummy and around his penis got mottled from too much licking unfortunately (allergies). I suppose it depends on your boy's pigment -- as you can see from Snowie, his nose and eye rims are black, so it makes sense that his exposed skin in general will be dark.
Axel has a very similar looking bump on his eye lid today. Hmm. Luckily he already has an appt at the vet tomorrow. Did the bump clear up with the drops ?