Well, that'll teach me. There I was all tickled pink with good recall, sit, stay all going well and walking on the lead pretty good for her age, then ..... I seem to have lost all appeal for Molly, even knowing there is a treat waiting for the appropriate response, no dice The area behind the summerhouse at the far end of the garden has become far more interesting than me and even treats! This area is also under a huge copper beech so the ground is covered with bits of twig, dead leaves, old beech mast cases and as its also used for roosting birds, all the unmentionables that brings. So, what to do now? How do I make myself more fun to be with than the back of the summerhouse? It seems as Molly's getting older, she's also getting bolder and was never a clingy little pup to start with. Got my work cut out I think, anyone got any ideas?
How old is Molly now? Is she entering the terrible teens? When that happens, the environment suddenly becomes so much more interesting than it was before. You have to fight to become the most interesting thing in her world. Which means that you can get out the super good treats (think warm roast chicken, dripping with juices) and work on focus exercises at a good distance from the distraction. This can start off as a click for looking at you, throw a bit of chicken on the ground away, so she has to turn back to you to get another treat. The game is, keep focussing on me and you get chicken. If you're far enough from the distraction, she'll be whipping round to you as soon as she's gobbled up the last bit. You're not calling her or making and noise, just click her offering the look. This is the basis of all training; you can't do anything if your dog isn't focussing on you, so make it a really rewarding game. Just do this for several sessions before upping the ante by asking for basic behaviours once she's looked at you.
Thanks snowbunny, good advice as always, even made me dribble thinking of juicy warm roast chicken. Molly's just 4 months now and has always been happy to wander off on her own, very confident little thing. Yes, will start trying to get her interest/focus back, further away from the summerhouse. We do have an additional problem in that our house and garden are on a hillside and I try to work with Molly on the flattest areas - bearing in mind tender little joints etc.
Is it possible to fence off the area (temporarily) to remove the attraction? It is perfectly normal to eat half of the higher value treats yourself.
Unfortunately its not feasible to fence off this area. The garden is very large and 'all over the place' in various areas, steps, vegetable garden and other fenced off bits both behind and in front of the house. Bit hard to explain really. We have stock fenced the entire circumference although most of it was still in place from BJ's time.
While I agree with the view you need to be the most interesting thing in the environment this is something the dogs learn over time. You're trying to generate conditioned responses to cues. You can't always be in a battle of are my treats good enough to distract my dog because at some point the answer will be no. So yes, break out the big guns in terms of treats but also use a long line so you can control and manage the training. Allow her close enough to be slightly tempted but still able to earn those massive rewards. Good luck
You could try using this area as a reinforcer - I know that sounds nuts....but you could get her to do something with you, then release her - and run with her to explore this area together. Then try to re-engage her, get her to do something, and then Yay! back to the adventure of exploring behind the summerhouse.
I expect that there's bird poo and discarded baby birds on the ground which probably makes this area awesome from a doggie perspective and gross from a human one... I'd go with the long line till nesting is over. It shouldn't be too long...
Thank you all. A combination of the clicker and slivers of grilled sausage has managed to make me more interesting than the back of the summerhouse - for now - and I didn't eat a single piece
Ah, I see, sorry, bit slow this morning. Mind you, been up since 6 so flagging a little already! I certainly like those reinforcement options though.
Try not to get caught glugging gin behind your summerhouse first thing in the morning though - non labrador owners may find it strange