Such good news! The cone must be a real nuisance but worth it if there's a chance the wound will heal.
The cone is a real pain!! It amazes me how quickly she has worked out how to negotiate steps and stairs and generally cope with it. She is definitely a lot quieter than usual and is sleeping a lot. The vet thinks it is a combination of the antibiotics, pain med and the cone.
Just catching up - glad to hear things are going in the right direction. Comes are definitely no fun, I completely sympathize. Hope she continues to heal and that the cone comes off soon.
No, the vet said not to take the risk. So I'm going to do as I'm told and hope that the next week goes by quickly!! The more chance the wound has of healing first time round means there is a greater chance of a good recovery. Really didn't expect all this - thought she'd have a cute little bandage and a few days recovery!!!
Deb, sorry I missed this thread......soooooo glad it's benign.....wonderful news. Sorry she has to wear the cone but it will give her tail more time to heal and, yes, they are so smart they find a way to get around after a while with that awful cone. Wishing you a week to go by quickly and you can all give a sigh of relief but the most important thing is that that it is benign.....keep thinking that as you sip your wine.
Just catching up on here. Such wonderful news that it was benign! Hoping this next week flies by for all of you. Cones are a real pain in the butt!
Back from our check up at the vets. We have a lovely scab forming and all inflammation has gone down. So we are now allowed the cone off under close supervision! Maisie is having a serious grooming session at the moment of all those bits she couldn't reach with the cone on! Next check up in two weeks and hopefully there will then be some new skin forming under the skin. Hurrah! She does look like a Poodle though
Since posting, the cone is back on! Far too much licking for my liking. I'm paranoid she will nibble to the scab. The vet said licking was ok, but she didn't want to stop, so we'll try again tomorrow.
Oh that's a shame, but of course you can't take chances. Still at least if she can have it off for a few minutes every so often it will cheer her up.
That was a long time to wear a cone, she must feel so freeeeee! The tip of her tail looks like that plant you get in wetlands, can't think of the name. I hope she continues to heal properly