Well the All Blacks won..... Surprise, surprise. Germany has no claim over the pavlova. I've never heard such an outrageous suggestion. Sorry, Harley, we haven't forgotten your paw!
Well I've never heard before that Australia or NZ have anything to do with Pavlova! Now I google it, I find out there is a raging argument about who invented it! Hilarious! What else do you argue about?
We can unite in solidarity over that at least! There's also much debate over who gets the glory of the LONG-dead racehorse, Phar Lap. And never forget the infamous "underarm bowl" incident of 1981. Now that one really riles people up!
Phar Lap may have last raced in 1932 (days before his untimely and tragic death in California) but he's an inspiration to every Australian. Yes, he was foaled in NZ, but it's here that he grew up, was trained, recognised as a champion and went on to greatness. He's an Aussie legend. Though Trevor Chappell's underarm delivery was entirely within the rules it wasn't sportsmanlike. I'll actually give you that. But Phar Lap is ours. You can have Russell Crowe.
Lol at all of you Back to Harleys paw..........her bandaging got wet and soggy today - she snuck in next doors garden and went straight into their paddling pool (we covered ours to stop her doing this!) She's isn't licking her paw and there's no blood so should I re bandage it or leave it open?
Tricky...any wound is best left clean and dry...that's about all I can suggest, really. If you can have it clean and dry without bandaging it, then that would be best, I suppose.
Thanks Julie, I was thinking that but just wanted to see if anyone had any opinions. I will keep it dry and clean and will re-bandage if she starts licking it.
Hey! If you're giving Russel Crowe away, I'll take him, thanks! And The Man From Snowy River...I'll take him too....
Russell is yours, Lisa. I doubt the Kiwis want him. Yeah, I agree. Cone and no bandage is the best combo IMO.... Really important that she can't lick it..... These paw injuries are miserable!
Letting the air get to it is best if possible. With Poppy, I found covering it with a child's sock (taped around the hock) was best. Lets air in, but stops licking.
We left the bandaging off and she has left it alone She had a small walk around a car sales place today looking for a car for OJ and was a bit excitable for 5 mins then walked nicely and got fussed by all the salesmen in their office where she sat nicely for half an hour . She really wants to play and run but we are trying to limit her which is proving difficult! The wound looks clean and I have bathed it twice today, but still not closing so unsure what to do......guess we will have to wait until Tuesday when we see the vet
Ah, that sounds good. Hope it heals up soon. You must be running out of ideas of how to entertain her!
We are doing lots of 'leave it' 'stay' 'go find' training which is fun along with some of her treat games we brought recently which do tax her brain, but it is getting a bit repetitive. I've been looking through lots of old threads trying to find new things to do so will try some tomorrow.
Just catching up with this. Poor Harley! Paw injuries are the worst Hope it's all cleared up in no time.
Have you done the tennis-balls-in-the-muffin-pan game with her? We fed Poppy all her kibble meals that way when she wasn't allowed to run around, kept her happy for ages!
Thanks Karen, we done the tennis ball game for tea I forgot about that game! We went back to the vets this morning. The wound is healing slowly and they were happy to keep the bandaging off . She can go on short walks on grass but not in the water or any hard or uneven surfaces. We have to clean her paw twice a day after walks with hibiscrub and put manuka honey on the wound (luckily she doesn't seem to like the taste of manuka honey or it would cost me a fortune!). Fingers crossed her paw continues to get better