Hello from New Jersey!

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by xxryu139xx, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. xxryu139xx

    xxryu139xx Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2016
    Union, NJ
    I agree. Was a little disappointed this prolongs him being stuck inside the home/backyard. Wanted to get him out and meet some other dogs. Vet said not to let him get in contact with other dogs, I'm sure shes erring on the side of Kennel Cough. On the other hand, he has not done any wretching or gagging noises today that I've noticed and I've been home with him all day. His poop is more solid now and turned into a dark brown with some green on it. He hasn't done a poop pee poop combo the last two days either. Its just one massive poop now. Can I attribute this to the antibiotic? I really don't know. He did get bigger. Its hard to see since I'm with most of the time, but when he lays down in his crate, he can fill it now.

    I didn't think Sparky would get his first "illness" so I went ahead and got him Pet Health insurance. $600/year. The $100 I spent on the vet bill could have gone towards the deductible already. They may even cover it since its a curable pre-existing condition.

    Also received some new goodies for him, Kong Wobbler and Kong Binkie! Can't wait to try them out tomorrow!
  2. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    The rather odd poop is most likely attributable to the antibiotics.

    Poppy cut her foot over the summer and had to have stitches. The vet in the UK gave her antibiotics, which was all fine, but then a month later she also developed a fungal infection in her ears, which has been very hard to get on top of. My vet says almost certainly this was because the antibiotics killed off the good bacteria in her ears along with any bad ones...
  3. xxryu139xx

    xxryu139xx Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2016
    Union, NJ
    oh boy. glad i got insurance for Sparky now.
  4. xxryu139xx

    xxryu139xx Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2016
    Union, NJ
    Question about feeding and weight.

    Last Sunday at the vet, his weight was 14.4 lbs. Today out of a whim I weighed him while carrying him and subtracted my weight from that total and got 20.1 lbs. I find it odd that he gained almost 6 lbs in just two days.

    1. Should I be weighing him regularly?
    2. Should I adjust the amount of kibble he eats based on his weight?

    He is round when he is full. His rib cage is not visible, but I can definitely feel his ribs lightly touching his chest. He doesn't look overweight or underweight to me. Right now I'm feeding him based on 15 lbs per manufacturer's label. Should I up it to the 20 lb rate?
  5. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    That sounds a lot to me ....I think that might be down to using 2 different sets of scales and unless you've got a decent sized set of scales at home ( I haven't) I don't think holding them and subtracting your weight is the most accurate method.....especially if they are wriggling a bit.
    Are you close to the vets to nip in and use theirs again just to check before you start adjusting food quantities ....if the vet only saw him on Sunday I'm sure any weight issue would have been mentioned?
    xxryu139xx likes this.
  6. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Yes, I tend to agree with @Dexter. Trying to get a weight while you are holding him is tricky. I wouldn't think he could gain 6 lbs in just a few days. Try not to be too obsessed about the weight thing - if your pup is not obviously over or under weight just keep feeding as you have been. I honestly couldn't tell you what the recommendation are on the kibble I use in terms of how much to feed my dog, I just go by how he looks and feels. It is very important to feed your pup properly, don't get me wrong, but if the vet wasn't concerned about it at the last recent visit I wouldn't be concerned either.
    xxryu139xx likes this.
  7. xxryu139xx

    xxryu139xx Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2016
    Union, NJ
    Thanks alot guys. I'll just base my feeding on his last weight from the vet. He'll see the vet again in two weeks. He is growing quickly. I noticed it today when I got home from work. He is getting big and taller.

    I did get a little nervous today while at work. He hasn't gone potty since I last took him out when I left the house at 6:30 AM. My sister said he hasn't pottied but he has peed several times. He even managed to get to the artificial grass i have stashed outside of his pen to pee. He finally pood @ 2:30 PM. That's like 6 hours and he wasn't locked inside his crate. I took him out again when I got home around 5 pm and he had another poop. Now he's pooped and sleeping in his pen.

    The bad news. The one sitter i liked said she will be having surgery soon and does not know when she can be able to work.

    The good news. Another sitter agreed to meet and greet the family tomorrow. Let's hope all goes well.
    Karen likes this.
  8. xxryu139xx

    xxryu139xx Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2016
    Union, NJ
    Beanwood and Karen like this.
  9. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Aww, Sparky is so cute! :heart:

    Hopefully the new candidate for sitter will be a keeper! Fingers crossed....
  10. xxryu139xx

    xxryu139xx Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2016
    Union, NJ
    Thank you!

    Update on the weight. Decided to reweigh the puppy. Subtracting my weight from the weight while I carry him is 16.6 lbs. Couldn't really be wrong since this is how I learned how to measure a baby's weight in Nursing school.

    Started doing C&T training on hand touch. He's starting to get it. Lots of time outs though. He kept nipping at my shorts in between clicks, so I had to keep walking out of the pen to break "play." Started to calm down a little more each time I timed him out. Maybe he'll stop jumping and nipping at me eventually!
    Karen likes this.
  11. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Xena Dog Princess likes this.
  12. xxryu139xx

    xxryu139xx Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2016
    Union, NJ
    Well wanted to get in some training before i left for work this morning but he wanted to nip at my toes. So i had to break play and since i didn't have much time i went and got ready for work. When i came back he fell asleep, so i left. My wife is home to keep him entertained today.
    Karen likes this.
  13. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    He's just a baby, his concentration span will slowly lengthen. Remember to keep the training sessions really short!!
  14. xxryu139xx

    xxryu139xx Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2016
    Union, NJ
    yep short and sweet.

    Good news. Met the sitter today. My mom was ok with her with some reservation. i told her well start Monday.
    snowbunny and Karen like this.
  15. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Excellent! Fingers crossed it all goes well. It will make life so much easier for all of you in the end if it does!
  16. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Great news! I hope she works out - this will be the best result for all of you.
  17. xxryu139xx

    xxryu139xx Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2016
    Union, NJ
    This boy amazes me. First time he was all alone for an "extended period" of time. I had bought a fake grass patch with some pee pads under and had placed in his pen and wedged under it so he couldn't easily throw it around. When we got home everything was in order and I touched the grass and it was wet! No indoor training at all for the grass patch and he hit the bullseye! No pee on the outside! He held his poo too until I took him outside. I was fearing the worst and expected he would be wallowing in his poop and pee. Now I know what to do when it starts to snow or rain.
  18. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    All good - except - when it starts to snow or rain, you get your foul weather gear on and go for a walk!! Labradors were made for bad weather. Seriously.
  19. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    It's true! Ski wear in the winter, waterproofs when it's raining. Walks in the horrible weather are actually quite enjoyable! The only think I really dislike is strong wind into my face.
  20. Xena Dog Princess

    Xena Dog Princess Registered Users

    Jun 30, 2016
    Wellington, New Zealand
    Yep, I'm going to have to invest in waterproof pants for next winter. I'm dry where my anorak is, dry where my wellies are, then soaking wet from mid-calf to bum - so unpleasant! Wellington is "affectionately" known as "Windy Wellington" so I can affirm that exercising the dog in a stiff gale is the worst.

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