Hi guys, We brought out puppy home yesterday and her first poo she had blood in it. The breeder did say that i would likely need to change her food as she had a runny bum. We took her to the vet and was given probiotics and told to keep an eye. She hasn't pooed for a few hours now - is this normal. hoping for a nice normal consistency of blood free poo when she goes. I think i'm worrying more because its the weekend. TIA
When I collected my puppy at 9 weeks she used to do 7 poos a day and they were massive, I gradually changed her food and she did, and still does 3 a day. Regarding the blood, Im no expert but Id keep a really close eye on her and keep on going to the vets if you are at the slightest bit worried, also if you are not satisfied with the answers you are getting I would get a second opinion.
I wouldn't worry, as it means the probiotic is doing its job in slowing down digestion. It sounds like your vet thought the blood in the poo was due to sudden or extra-strong bowel movements. I'd only be concerned if she wasn't eating, drinking or behaving normally.
Thanks guys, Joy we only picked her up yesterday so not really sure of her normal yet. She seems really happy and settled but maybe not as lively as I expected. She does have a 4 and 6 year old who are obsessed with her so maybe she is just tuckered out xx
They said the blood in poo could be stress from the journey home. She didn't travel well or a digestive thing as she had been runny with the food she has been on. She is on chicken and rice now. Good to know the probiotics may slow her digestion that would explain it.
Axel had a terrible mudpie poop with lots of blood in it the first week we had him. I think it's just as they are a bit stressed and trying to settle. Lots of changes for little puppies. I did bring axel to the vet as well and they tested for parvo. All was clear so I just added canned pumpkin to his kibble until his poops were solid and clear of blood again. As long as she is drinking and eating and happy I wouldn't worry
Sounds like the probiotics are doing their job. Hopefully it will clear up in a few days. If it's not any better by Monday/Tuesday, I would pop her back to the vets just to check. Also, when you put her back onto her food, do it over a few days to make sure her tummy is ok with the kibble.
Glad to hear things are improving Our pups come up with two weeks supply of probiotics, they really help to settle tums. ...
Bella is 4 months old and her poos have recently come Mr Whippy consistenc and massive. She has had a couple of tumny bugs but has recovered well from them. I haven't changed her feeding routine and she is on Skinners food which she has always been on. She often does a poo then moves away then does another bit or couple of bits. Yesterday and today I've noticed a spot of blood in the final ones. Whst could be causing this? Thought I'd ask advice on here before vets in case anyone has had similar experiences. Could teethinf be effecting it and its consistency?
I wonder if the blood at the end of her poo might be related to her previous gut infection? I would be tempted to take her to the vet just for a once over. Could something causing her gut to be irritated.
Nothing is obviously causing her gut to be irritated that I can think of and when I took her to the vets with her tummy upset there wasn't anything obvious. I'm at a bit of a loss. Wil most likely go to the vets... again.
If she's straining it maybe that that's just caused a small bleed on the way out. It sometimes happens in older dogs too. Or she maybe developing colitis. I would speak to your vet.
When I phoned the vet about blood in the poo they said to come up. When I got there they mentioned stress, colitis, food.. They did say always best to get checked out. We seem to be without blood now. Ours is light colored and mr Whippy consistency. But there was some undigested rice in the last one. I was told to phone and update on Monday morning so will ask then.