Yes, as long as you keep an eye on her with the plastic bottles. Remove the lid if it has one, and make sure she doesn't chew the end, as little slivers of plastic can cause intestinal blockages. I had good results by putting a "crackly" bottle in an old long sock, which I then folded several times over the bottle (it was a hockey sock, so very long!). This meant the pups could chew on it safely. Cardboard is also fine, a great toy, but be prepared for the mess to get everywhere! And, thinking to the future, you need to decide if this is something you'd be happy for an adult dog to do. Shadow will always pick up my finished water bottles and parade round with them, which is fine by me, but if it would bother you, then best not to encourage it now.
Yes these were an absolute godsend when Mole was a puppy! Took lids off - plastic milk cartons a favourite!! Once his adult teeth came in no good anymore, ripped the bottles to shreds including the thick sock over them method so we don't use anymore at10 months. Cardboard boxes still an absolute favourite here!!
Yup - Bailey has bottles in socks and any cardboard boxes in his reach are HIS and HIS alone to destroy and for mum to clean up and if she is a silly sausage and puts all the bits in the lounge bin then they get taken out again and thrown around the room!!!
Harley (3 years old) still loves playing plastic bottles when we have finished with them. She parades them around the house and has hoolies with them
While on this topic, here's a thing.... Pongo also believes that every cardboard box is HIS to destroy, instantly and enthusiastically. In a fortnight I am taking Pongo on a "Scentwork" workshop. (This was his present to me on my birthday this year.) We are asked to bring along three cardboard boxes, which will be used to hide the targets (bits of cheese). So, I have this picture in my mind..... a room with three CARDBOARD BOXES IN IT...... enter Pongo, Destroyer of Boxes.... there is me, saying "C'mon Pongo, find the cheese, find the cheese...." Pongo sees the boxes..... Hmmm. I'll let you know how we get on.
You can buy toys that are meant to have a plastic bottle put in them. We still play with cardboard boxes. Egg crates are a favourite, I make the crate "bite" his nose and he loves it.
@Snowshoe we have one of these. She much prefers the bottle on its own. It whizzes across the floor faster.
We have not seen any effects from cardboard! I'd rather her swallow cardboard than the toys she destroys now