Hiding and looking

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Sven, Sep 30, 2016.

  1. Sven

    Sven Registered Users

    May 23, 2016

    Want to see if anyone could advise on the following if they have experienced this once before.

    We where out on an oval just doing our normal play and training. Vanilla got very interested in a patch of grass, so I took the opportunity to hide behind a tree. I still had my eye on her.
    After about 3min she decided to eventually pop her head up to see where I was. Her head was looking in all directions, after about a minute of not seeing me she decided to get back to her interesting patch of grass. I let her carry on for another minute, then decided to call her. She stopped and looked to see if she could find me. Started moving towards where I was calling from, but the stopped as she could not see me. I moved a fraction and she bolted towards me. Did not have an issue with the recall, but curious as to why the first time she noticed I was not there did not come looking.

    I do the About Turn regularly on walks etc. or even hide on walks and she will always come back to where I was last. Then start trying to find me.

    Any advise?

  2. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Hi there,is she a pretty confident dog? If she is then she probably thinks 'so what?' No offence ,I know she loves you :rofl: or maybe because you weren't on a walk and were in a more stationary situation she had your scent and knew exactly where you were so wasn't in any rush to find you....
    My dog looks quite bothered when he can't see me,he checks in regularly when we are walking and , hangs head in shame , when he races off on a deer chase ,he stops and looks back at me straight away when he's lost sight of his prize.I did the about turn walk a lot...and spent a lot of time rewarding check ins,a toy or a treat thrown when he looked at me x
  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Neither of my dogs are concerned if I hide from them. My puppy is slightly more concerned than my older dog, but still not overly bothered. It's just how they are, they are confident dogs, and don't get worried if they can't find me.

    Once, Charlie had a ball and was playing 'keep away with it'. We were in a very safe place, on a private rugby field. So I walked away from him, he stayed where he was. I got into the car, he didn't move. I started the engine, still no Charlie. I turned the car round to leave, nope, my dog happily stayed where he was, enjoying chewing his ball in the sunshine. I drove my car towards the exit, Charlie just moved the ball to the other side of his mouth....

    Right, I thought. This is it, dog! I'm really going to leave! So I did. I drove out of the grounds, and down the lane. I stopped 100m down the lane (I wasn't really going to drive off and leave my dog to make his own way home across roads). I waited. I waited some more....

    In the end, I went back and Charlie was still there with his ball. I exchanged the contents of my treat bag for the ball and Charlie looked at me as if to say 'good girl, I knew you'd do the right thing if I just waited you out'.
  4. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    Some humans are slower to train than others. Hat's off to our dogs with their patience and persistence ;)
  5. Sven

    Sven Registered Users

    May 23, 2016
    Thanks yes she is very confident when we are out and about. On a walk she will always check in with me. ie:run of for about 10meters or so then turn around and cime back. She won't go more than about 30 meters then stops and looks at me as to say 'Can I go further or do I have to come back..' Well that is how it feels.

    On the field before she most probably knew where I was. It is the one we use at moment to train new things as it is quiet, with the odd dog around which allows me to proof a lot of things
  6. Sven

    Sven Registered Users

    May 23, 2016
    Yes kind of felt that way in that I could have left and come back in about an hour and she would still be there enjoying her spot. Just wanted to know as not experienced that before...
  7. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    Maybe she did know where you were the first time. She maybe couldn't see you but could tell by scent you were still close.

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