So, there I am in the muggy drizzle with kibble and clicker in my pocket and Molly in training mode - supposedly. Sit, down, stay, come, etc, etc - what does all that mean says Molly's expression as she plonks down, chews a bit of twig and refuses to budge Fast forward to the next session, me having returned to the house and armed myself with a small bag of warm juicy chicken bits, tiny ones mind you, and WOW, suddenly Molly's memory comes flooding back. She now knows exactly what sit, down, stay and various other things mean Oh, the wonders of warm juicy chicken.
Well I have to say, as soon as I saw the title I thought, "Oh, oh, someone's in trouble." So this sounds very good.
Rory can't have chicken but I have a fine arsenal of sardines venison sausage and liver he can't resist
Venison sausages? Never get as far as Lilly. They are Sophie's extra special fabby-est favourite. The ones from Lidl
Funny because today I went to do our daily training session with just plain old training treats from the store, which Axel has happily gone bananas over for the last 7 months... well not today!! He was more interested in napping then performing lol. So I went for some canned salmon and that made all the difference in the world. I think I'm going to roast a chicken once back from holidays, just for Axel! Oh how we spoil our little furbabies