Just today I noticed a few spots (maybe 5?) on Larks belly. They look like pimples. Is that normal? She isn't licking at them and is acting completely normal. She has a vet appointment this Saturday so I can ask about it then as long as it doesn't seem like an urgent issue. Thanks!
If she isn't at all bothered by them I would just keep an eye on them and ask the vet. I think a spotty tummy can happen with allergies. Puppies can get "acne" on their chins that antiseptic washes can be helpful for though - again, vet is best person for advice on this.
Thank you! She doesn't seem to even notice they are there so I will just check with the vet when we are there in a few days.
Our puppy currently has a red spotty allergy but he has been scratching a lot. They're not nipples are they? I was surprised with our Loki that males also have more than 2 nipples like the females! Hope she's okay
Hehe, no they are not nipples! They look similar I guess but smaller and more sporadic. She did have some dirt stuck to her belly as well so it could be something just irritated her skin. I'll give her a bath tonight to make sure she's clean. But like I said, she doesn't seem bother by it at all.
My vet advised to wash with dilute hibiscrub and put on (damn can't remember the name of it, but it is what you put on babies' bottoms), as the pups get older, their skin toughens up and the problem goes away.
Snowie had little pinkish pimples on his tummy. The vet said they were impetigo, which he said was common in puppies, and recommended adding oil to his diet. We did, and the spots went away. (I've just Googled impetigo images and the images I am looking at are a lot worse than what Snowie had -- his were tiny pimples.)
Hehe, I remember one post I made back in the day, concerned because Willow's nipples weren't symmetrical, and she has one that's not well formed. Ah, the things we worry about
Haha yes the things we worry about! Us, too, that Snowie had one nipple that was inverted, seemed like the worst thing in the world! A friend has a lovely Lab who was rejected by the person who had "ordered" her from the breeder because her nipples are kind of all in one place. They took her and she has grown into the most magnificent dog, no health issues, now about 7 years old.