Just trying not to lose my mind while dealing with a crocopupp! I'm so tired of having holes in my sleeves and pant legs. I stop playing when she gets especially bitey and I always put a toy in her mouth if she trisd to bite my hand but I'm just frustrated and feeling like this stage is never ending. She'll be 13 weeks tomorrow. On a happier note, we are going to our first puppy class tonight!
There is light, there is light! Pongo stopped really quite suddenly..... I just realised one day that he wasn't crocopupping any more. And yes, I think it was around 14 weeks...
It's so reassuring to hear from other people. I know in my head that it will stop at some point but it's easy to forget when you have little teeth marks all over your hands
My Loki is not too bad with biting me. He only has the odd moment every few days. He's more like it with the husband and son. My daughter is mostly separated as she's only 3. Maybe he likes me better? Or worse lol.
4.5-5 months was the magic moment for us. The day that you can sit down and not worry about the dog biting you is a wonderful day. Until then just keep on trucking.
Stanley's nearly 6 months and still bites Not as much crocodile now, just when he's playing or over tired and being naughty. I definitely don't get attacked and have a puppy attached to my leg anymore.