In my desperation to get the bag Libby panicked over losing it and swallowed it instead. She seems just fine 4 hours later. Has this happened to anyone else and, if so, was your pup ok?
Oban got into garbage that I didn't see but nearly a week later a plastic bag much bigger than a sandwich bag made a reluctant appearance. Luckily it was empty. Plastic is slippery, and sandwich bags are not very big. You'll probably see it in a day or so, at the other end, without incident. It was empty? And if not empty at least not sealed shut? Poop watch.
I have to say ,having read so many anecdotes of bizarre things dogs have eaten and passed ,she is probably going to be ok but don't take that as a definitive. She's only little so watch her carefully,watch for changes in toileting, I.e. Straining, any loss of appetite or lack of interest in drinking and for changes in behaviour,i.e. Listlessness ,lack of energy....In all probablility you will see it again soon out the back end,let her pass it herself,don't be tempted to help!!!!!! I've luckily escaped any major scarey snacks but I had my friend's spaniel with me one morning in the desert and he started wretching and sicked up a pair of pants.....
Keep a close eye for any diarrhoea, vomiting and especially lethargy. It can take a while to 'work through' so keep a close eye until it does. Phone the vet if you have any worries at all. Tatze has eaten many things in her time, they don't go through her - she keeps them in her tum, eats and poos normally, then throws them up in the night - sometimes up to ten days later ...
Ella once ate the piece of grease proof paper off the top of the butter. Same situation as you. I panicked and she scoffed it down in a split second. It took a few days before it reappeared (in tact). After that we trained a 'swap' cue so that she'd give me whatever she stole in exchange for something yummy
Rory ate a whole treat bag no one saw it. It stayed inside for about 5 days then he sicked it up. It was fine and so were the treats. He was fine too. My friend works at a vets and they've taken all sorts out of labs tums. Pants socks trousers
Yes it is truly incredible how fast they can eat something once they know you want it. Keep an eye on her, as the others have said but she will likely be ok
Yep trousers they were leggings like extra thick tights . One lab a thing about pants and ate about 6 pairs and passed them
I love that you took it upon yourself to check the label Could have been worse, could have been Rigby & Peller
Without wanting to cause you too much worry, I heard about a Lab puppy that got into the garbage and ate plastic and died as a result of complications of the plastic wrapping around his intestines -- I'm guessing it must've been a really long bit of plastic. Snowie has eaten small plastic bags a few times (picked up off the pavement, with food inside) and pooed them out -- I am always concerned given the above story of the Lab puppy -- although small bits of plastic I'm not so concerned about, I presume they can't get stuck. I see now that Snowie has become adept at putting his foot on a plastic bag and ripping it open with his mouth and then eating only the contents -- he seems to know the difference between digestibles and indigestibles. Of course I'd prefer he didn't scavenge like this, but such is the environment we live in (people think nothing of tossing out empty bags of food), and thankfully he has been fine.
My dogs have ate huge piles of stuff over years and have been fine. I could have a small dog tummy contents museum. I learnt not to worry until something bad does happen. They will be labs they are dustbins I am careful but they still manage to ingest Disney princesses and key fobs. It's either get over it or not have dogs which have a varied interest in all food groups and stuff not normally thought of as food. They are a bit like sharks they will eat anything.
Yes. This is the dilemma I find myself in sometimes. For example, Simba found a sandwich wrapped in a plastic sandwich bag, and got it in his mouth before I realized what it was. So...I don't care if he ate the sandwich, but not so happy about the bag. But there was no way he was going to leave it, so I then have to resort to trying to get it from his jaws of steel which are now firmly clamped around the tasty treat, and now that he knows I want it there is absolutely NO WAY he is going to give it up. that particular case I finally managed to tug on it enough that it ripped in half. I threw out half and he ate the rest, bag and all. Sigh.
Oh my goodness, reading all of these has me worried of what's to come. Worst thing I have seen Axel eat so far was a stick, about 4-6 inches long and swallowed it whole. I worried for days but nothing ever happened. This was when he was about 6 months old. If he finds one of my socks he likes to chew on it for ever and thankfully has never swallowed one yet, but after reading these posts I think swallowing a sock wouldn't be the end of the world if he does