HeeHee - Whitby is just up the coast from where I was born. I have A LOT of jet from Whitby. There is a cafe there, called the Magpie Cafe. Does the best Lobster and Chips in Yorkshire. Dracula came ashore at Whitby - many a spooky evening I spent sat (as a teenager, because as an adult I had more interesting things to do) on the stones of Whitby Abbey. Before they turned it into a tourist attraction and banned sitting on stones.
We went with Duggan (Olde Gealic for black or dark ). My OH wanted shadow but there was already a shadow in our circle. I wanted a hunting related name but living in an area where hunting is previlent, anything I wanted was already taken. It's both fun and frustrating naming a puppy but you just keep going back and forth till you both say "ah ha" and voila..... Your new friend has a fitting name.
I was driving in the car and listening to the radio and there was a mention of Rorke's Drift (the battle in Africa) and I liked the sound of Drift, so called him Drift. My second Lab was going to be called Flute but when I got home and put him in the garden I just thought he would have to be Rourke (changed the spelling).
Actually, most of the animals I've evr had came pre-named, but the one time I got to name one, I chose Emma, but my parents vetoed that name, so I ended up calling her MustÃ, which was a childhood nickname. I don't know what it was supposed to mean, as it wasn't the word musty.
When I first saw Bailey his colour was just that of a glass of Bailey's Irish Cream with an ice cube in it. One of my favourite drinks I might add . My OH liked the name and did make the comment that at least it wasn't Vokda (yup my favourite drink ). Can't decide if my choice was colour or alcohol related
My son chose it, He is a nurse in Heidelberg and was caring for a man with a guide dog called 'Tatze' - which means 'paw' in German. As we went to pick her up we had three possible names 'Rosie', 'Pepper' and 'Tatze'. On the way home I asked my son which it was to be. Tatze it is! Now, every time I'm asked her name I have to explain it.
All my Guide Dog pups already had their names. Each litter (there are 1400 pups born each year) is given a letter for their names to begin with. The brood bitch holders choose out of a list of names beginning with that letter. Each pup has a blob of nail varnish in a different place according to birth order to identify them. Unless they are sponsored pups, then their given names are changed when the litter arrives at the breeding centre for assessment (6 weeks old). Each name has felt odd at first but soon they couldn't have been called anything else. We've had - Gypsy Twiglet (sponsored) Kara Bruce (sponsored)
Heh, heh - yep, that's the one. I was a sucker for that show. Not that I would have ever admit that's where his name came from at the time. I'm sure I had some much more dignified reason that I told people to save face. I did notice quite a few "Duncans" in the dog park back then, all of us girls and none admitting they had a crush on an actor in a TV show. Lilly and Sophie are both lovely names - Sophie is always one of my favourites!
Are yes the same here - my puppies mother is Tia, short for Tia Maria, we were selling Cassis at the time so = Cassie, but blackcurrant = black lab? ! She now has a sister called Sherry.
Family discussion! My daughter suggested Jessie because of a Disney Channel sit com character and she has a Jessie in her class. My little boy liked it because there is a Jessie in Toy Story! Also in the mix was Rosie (after my son's favourite preschool teacher), and this is her "middle name" . With a 4 and 6 year old there were also the inevitable Star Wars names in the hat... princess Leia, Chewwy (after Chewbaka) and Rae! I can't remember any my husband and I suggested now, which I suspect was because they were immediately rejected!!
My OH wanted Chewy! I said no way, it doesnt suit a gorgeous elegant lab, more a cute scruffier looking puppy!!
My dad named our first Lab Tammy as he'd been reading Robbie Burns' "Tam O'Shanter". The name seemed to fit as she was very wilful and mischievous as a puppy. Cocoa was our first choccie. The name was very obvious. Among the first dogs she met on walks were two other choccies called Smarties and Fudge. They were very sweet dogs and remained great pals for many years. Holly was our Christmas present to ourselves after Cocoa died. Arriving at Christmas, and having teeth as sharp as holly leaves, the name chose itself.
We wanted a 2 syllable name,it felt like it would sound more attention getting when you said/called it.We were watching the American Serial Killer Series well before Dexter was on our horizon and I happened to say 'Dexter' would be a great game for a dog......Eventually when the time came I had a hankering for Jasper too but got overuled.....
When I was thinking about names, I looked up "best names for Labrador", as you do, and I read something that said retrievers should have two-syllable names. I'm sure it's gumpf, but someone, somewhere, thinks it's true. My sister's dog is called "Mister Bojangles". That lasted a remarkably long time, before it was eventually shortened to Bo. Calling "Mister Bojangles! Mister Bojaaaaaaaaangles!!!" in the park is not a good look