It does make sense. I would love to learn how to teach indie controlled hunting in front of me (is it called quartering?) - that seems the perfect option as that is her main desire on walks and so probably the most important thing to control access to. Perhaps that is something that the gundog trainer might introduce me to one day
Definitely agree with the loss of dignity! I feel like I am covered in drool and smell of sardines most of the time. Ah the cheese/sausage tree! I saw that on this forum but forgot about it! Right, this weekend I feel that a chicken-tree discovery is imminent I've heard they grow in these here hills...
Gosh Indie and Charlie do sound similar in many ways! I'm lucky that Indie is actually quite a little girl at 25kg so she has not dragged me over (yet). Good idea to do a click-and-treat wildlife walk - we actually were a meter away from a rabbit this morning but it didn't move so Indie went into point mode rather than mad chase mode, and she snapped out of it for a treat quite quickly. I am lucky that Indie isn't an absconder - but the turning point that made me realise we needed to control her walks more was when she ran across a road and a huge field after smelling something - and then half came back but started just running about in the (luckily quiet) road sniffing and refused to come all the way back to me - she had never done it before but scared me to death. So I think we were getting dangerously close to the absconding route. Oof I think I have grown 50% more grey hairs since we got Indie...
I often take the dog out just before I do the school run, some mishap occurs and I have to shoot straight out the door without changing to not be late for the kids. I'm sure the Mums in my son's class think I gut fish for a living or am a vagrant! There are some seriously yummy mummies, at least one of whom owns a pug.... Hmmmm
I bet they are incredibly boring though and don't have lots of funny stories. I liquidise boneless sardines in tomato ketchup and add water to make them go further. I then put them in baby food pouches, making up a batch and freezing them is useful. (another great idea I got from the forum). I started doing this because one day I got in the car and sat on my hands because they were freezing, OH puts the heated seats on and them says "what is that disgusting fishy smell". Had to admit it was me.