I would love to get inside and understand a dog's mind. I forgot my whistle today..I was cussing as I wanted to practice stop-whistle. Instead of blowing the whistle, I called out "Coco Stop" as he was trotting away - sure enough, he stopped, turned & sat - just like with the whistle. Way back, I did haphazardly work on a verbal stop before the more formal stop-whistle training - he seems to have connected them! I tried a "Coco Stop" as he was returning to me with the ball, he stopped and lay down, as he did yesterday with the whistle - I THINK he has the lay down thing in his head from back when we were trying to master "down on recall". If only he could talk..
And Mabel if today was anything to go by, Well done Coco I'm very impressed. It's fabulous when your training starts to come together.
My oh says Rory is funny sweet and calm but sometimes he is just a yob.They judt seem to forget themselves