We woke up this morning to find a puppy with an enormous swollen head. Panicked and took him to the vet. They examined him and said it was more than likely an insect bite and gave him an antihistamine injection and some tablets. Poor little fella, just look at him...
Yeah he has been a little vomity as well. It's concerning me a bit, but the vet said it's part of the allergic reaction. The antihistamine has drugged him out a bit. He's pretty drowsy now. He just had a spew but there is nothing in his stomach. If he can't keep water down soon I'm taking him back
Oh how awful, poor Arnie. Hope he turns the corner quickly, what a worry for you. I totally agree with your idea to take him back to the vet if he's not looking better soon. Any idea what the sting/bite is from?
No idea @Emily. Unfortunately. He's just asleep in his crate now, looks a tiny little bit better, not much tho. He did manage to keep some water down, which is good. I was worried about him dehydrating. If he's still no good by lunch I am gonna ring my normal vet (the one we went to this morning was an emergency vet) and just ask some questions.
Spider bite, I think. Kona had swallen eyelid, it was better in the evening and finally gone the next day. Hope Arnie feels better today ☺
Aw poor boy. Looks identical to Snowie when Snowie was stung by a bee. Well, that's what the vet thought - I didn't actually see the bee. I'm glad your vet only gave antihistamines. My vet went the whole hog with a cortisone injection and phernergan injection AND then still gave him all his puppy vaccines plus kennel cough plus rabies ALL IN THE SAME SESSION. I was too naive to know better. When I changed vets, the next vet was horrified the vet would vaccinate a sick dog (anyway, I digress - still irks me!!). Snowie swelled up again a couple of years later, this time in the middle of the night (think it was a spider bite). He was scratching madly and I felt his ears in the dark and got such a fright - they were stiff and swollen. Rushed him to emergency vet at 2am where he got a cortisone injection. Took a day or two till his face, eyelids, and ears became normal. His jowels were so swollen that he couldn't close his lips and the treats dropped out! The vet said that each subsequent insect sting/bite can have a worse response, seems the body's immune response gets bigger. Emergency situation. We were recommended to keep cortisone tablets on hand to administer immediately - 4 tablets - while he can still swallow, and then rush to vet. Thankfully hasn't happened again. Wishing Arnie a speedy recovery!
Poor Arnie ,he must be feeling very sorry for himself,do dog antihistamines make them drowsy like some human ones do? At least that way he might sleep himself better x
Yeah he's been a groggy mess all day. But he's on the mend. I reckon it must have been something that happened after we put him to bed inside the house. I'll post a progress pic tomorrow that my wife made up. Looks kinda cute, with his big puffy face and how the swelling has been going down over the course of the day