Our lab keeps losing hair in small places and sometimes gets very patches in the spots. She looks like she has whit measles on her chest. The vet put her on 4 benedryl a day. Helps some. She scratches some but licks a lot. We bathe here with medicated shampoo. Am wondering if I should ask the vet about that new me Apoquel. Has anyone had the same problem!!! It seems to come and go.
Hi Valarie, and welcome to the forum. How old is your lab? Is this a new problem or one that has just started? It sounds like your vet is treating for an allergy. Has he any idea what might be causing it? jac
Yes - our black lab has had patchy hair loss for several months now. Mostly on her chest, stomach and hind legs. We have been to the vet numerous times and they say it is likely seasonal allergies, due to the unusually warm Fall weather we have had here. We had antibiotics due to infection and steroids to ease the pain/itch but apparently the hair will take a long time to grow back. She just finished the steroids and so far the itching seems to be a lot less. If we do not seen an improvement after 2 weeks of frost, then it may be another type of allergy.
She is 3 years old. We got her about a year ago and she had the problem then. We changed her diet to kibble with fish oil and helps some. Vet at first thought it was flea bites but there are no fleas and she is treated for fleas. I am considering the new med apoquel. I am going to call the vet about it. I have seen a great improvement in a friend's dog that scratched and had spots.
Are they white spots???? that is the same area out dog has spots from hair loss. Have you heard of apoquel???? Seems to be a new med for allergies.
No, there are bare patches of skin, for example right now she has a perfect small circle of bare skin on her chest. Do you mean the hair is white or the skin? My friend recently put her golden retriever on apoquel for allergies as well as a single source protein food (lamb) and is happy with the results so far. I think it depends on the allergies and how long they have been suffering - your vet will have advice for sure.
We have the same issues with Brewster he is always itching and having issues. He is now going to be taking round 2 of Apoquel 1st lot was in the fall of last year. The price is outrageous but if it works I am happy to pay it. Is there not a generic version of Apoquel?
Hi Quinn, I have similar experience with Cookie 5 and half months old now. Earlier he was treated for fleas, then for Mites now for Bacteria. However, patchy skin could be due to various reasons (Fleas, Mites, Bacteria, Fungus, Food Allergies or Hormone problems). If problem persists for more than 3-4 weeks, I would recommend a skin scrapping test, which we did with Cookie to know what the exact problem is, instead of treating him on an elimination basis. I wish he recovers soon. Regards Arun