this morning Cooper ate half of my raisin bagel. Knowing it's toxic I brought him to the er within an hour. They induced vomiting and are keeping him there for 48 hours to monitor and iv fluids to flush toxins. I am such a wreck!! If anything happens to him....
Oh my gosh. I hope he's ok but I really have not ever seen a bagel loaded with so many raisins that it would cause me that degree of concern. BEtter to be safe than sorry though. I can't imagine he will be anything other than fine. REally, I'm surprised your Vet went that far. Unless Cooper already has a known super sensitivity to raisins?
there had to be maybe four raisins and he threw them up. I took him to the er which is not his regular vet. I called my vet and they said they would have handled it the same way.My understanding now is it doesn't matter if it's one raisin or more if the dog is going to have a toxic reaction the amount doesn't matter. I hope I am not putting him thru all this unnecessarily...but I couldn't take the chance and not do anything. I miss him sooo much and hope he's not wondering if we'll ever come back.
It's a terrible feeling to leave them when they are small - we felt the same way when we left Quinn at the vet's when she swallowed socks. When we picked her up, the vet's office said they'd never had a dog lap up barium and beg for more before! She was just fine when we picked her and still loves going there! I didn't know that about raisins!
Oh I do hope Coopers ok and back with you soon. I know I was a wreck when the vet had Bailey in for 4 hours to do a complete wellness check on him, he was fine and still loves going to the vets, me on the other hand.....
Hope Coopers is OK. I remember when Benson ate some cereal with raisins, the vet immediately induced vomiting. He was fine after, although very stressful at the time!
Hope Cooper is ok, you did the best thing for him. He will soon be home again and you will be able to cuddle him.
Trying to find a positive in this - at least he vomited the raisins up, that suggests his system is well equipped to notice something toxic and get rid of it. Which is a good thing! Get well soon Cooper...
We are on our way to get him now. What a horrible 48 hours this has been! Thank God he is ok and I am throwing out anything with raisins!! Thank you