I've been off the boards for a few days due to Christmas cheer (and some not so fun Christmas sickness) but thought I would share with you a story making news around here. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmon...s-cougar-at-tim-hortons-to-save-dog-1.3914210 This happened about an hour and a half away from me...and it's why I'm always a little nervous walking by myself off the beaten track around here. Although this happened just off the parking lot from a fast food place... Poor Simba wouldn't have had a chance I'm afraid...
Hahaha I'm in Alberta too! We're about 3 hours from Whitecourt (I'm pretty sure it happened there?) and were on our way home as it happened. Crazy!
That was on our TV news last night. I hope when wildlife officials shot a cougar they got the right one. Poor thing, would like to know if it was starving or impaired in some way.
I was wondering why they shot the cougar at all? I mean I know bears that attack humans are often shot - I understood that was because those bears then see humans as prey (or something like that, I'm a bit hazy on it all....). But I did wonder why the cougar was shot. Because it was bold enough to be around carparks attacking dogs? Is that very unusual behaviour? I suppose it must be, otherwise no carpark would be safe I suppose.
Take care Lisa I wouldn't want the Cougar to be shot, why? Human beings are destroying their habitat so it's not their fault x NOOOOOOOOO not Robbie! x
he was fine he just ran from his mums pub and didn't look when he ran to house. It was when he was in Take That. girls used to sit on the wall outside his house all day. He was just baby Robbie then
It is unusual for a cougar to be quite so close to human habitation and to be quite so bold. But it is not necessarily unheard of either. So I would think the didn't have much choice. It had learned it could get easy prey at this place, the next victim could be a child. I hate the thought that it got shot too, but you have to factor in the safety to humans in the equation.
Very scary! We get cougars in my neighbourhood and it is something I am cautious of, more so than bears. I had a family friend who was in his back yard when a cougar snatched his little dog. Same scenario, he ran and punched the cougar until it dropped the dog and dog was fine in the end as well. Phew I have had a run in with a cougar myself and it's scary! It chased my OH and I while we were biking in the woods