We've done alright this year . Just a tiny bit of nibbley on a pine cone. We're taking them down tomorrow. phew
That moment when you want to sit in front of the high chair to catch the scraps but you're just too tired to get off the couch
Went to my aunt and uncle's house last night for a bit of a NY party. I've not been for a few years. They have two weims, which I've always thought were a lovely breed, but I never realised how much they drool! It wasn't the threads of drool you get with some breeds, but one of them was like a dripping tap! It was gross, and you had to wipe yourself off every time he came to say hi. That's a breed definitely crossed off my list!!
I've taught Stanley "kisses". If you say "kisses" he puts his nose up and lets you kiss his nose (sometimes he gets a sneaky lick in there ). I can hear OH downstairs like "Stanley.. kisses for daddy. Stanley, please".
Was there a lot of food around? I have never known a Weim who drooled, wouldn't think it was a breed thing? Sounds yeuk!
One of the first things I taught. Luna is a pro There was food, but he wasn't interested in it in the slightest. He was interested in being petted and was incredibly interested in the puppy - crying outside the door of the room she was in.
Drat! Coco has lost the D-ring from his collar - complete with licence tag & ID tag. Old (worn) ID tag dug out, clean collar...but we'll have to do without his licence tag..should get the renewal through next month. At least we have his paper licence (somewhere). It's lucky he walks in a harness & I don't use the collar to attach his lead
My God son visited with my friend today. It was his first visit since Doug died. Me and Ros were a bit teary but it was fine. Dan loved Doug and loved to cuddle him and lie in the floor and touch him. Doug was always great with him and was so patient with him and really made Dan smile and laugh. Moo as normal sneaked and tried to nick stuff but Rory kept going up to Dan and tried to interact with him. He did really well and was only a little worried by the noises and random movements. He barked a few times but i was proud off him hes only met Dan a twice now one when he was very young I was so pleased that he learned to allow for Dan's differences. Dogs seem good like that. I thinks thats why I like them so much
I had to go back to work today and leave Stanley after 11 days off with him. I just want to be a stay at home puppy mum
Little Mollie has moved to three feeds today (14 weeks) - and I can't make her meals big enough she's growing so fast!
Note to self-don't brag you end up looking very silly. I saw a couple of my neighbours this morning we were all out walking our dogs at the same time. I was telling them what a fantastic day we had yesterday at the local pools. Mabel walking past others dogs on the lead. Not bothering in the slightest with children racing round on bikes, scooters or pinching toys or balls. I was feeling fabulous all my hard work is beginning to show. When along the path walks another neighbour with her working cocker (who doesn't play or show any interest in anything other than her ball and sniffing). What does Mabel do but run at a hundred miles an hour towards the other dog with me on the end of the lead. Comment from owner, "you'll get to grips with that problem one of these days". Everyone else is laughing.
Shadow hates spanners with a passion. Although, he's actually managed to say hi to a couple without the handbags coming out on this trip!
So tired i can barely think and mister vain needs a brush. Is there a way I can do it without having to move
Luna is not a Labrador. OK, other than the fact she has a remarkably strong retrieving instinct (far more so than my two field-bred Labs), is a typical crocodile and, well, looks very much like a Labrador. But she's really not that interested in her meals. I've just started switching the brand this evening, and hoped that would encourage her, but nope. She'll eat it eventually, so I'm not worried, but W&S were such gut-buckets from the get-go, it's so unusual to me. She's gone off for a snooze partway through her dinner. Bless.