So not a great start this morning...just need to let of I am going to replace swear words with "sausage"....there are a lot of them... This morning started well. Beautiful sunshine, cold and frosty..perfect! I take all three down the the paddock. This is just round the side of the house, and the 3 acres or so backs onto our garden. Fully enclosed so really handy! Lovely stroll, the 3 bumbling next to me. At the end I spotted a small gap in the fence so made a mental note to sort it out later. Started to head back, when Bramble decided to stretch her legs, this is beautiful to watch. Casper joined her, it was lovely to follow the two streaking down the paddock....then oh sausage! Casper has disappeared...sausage he has slipped through the gap I spotted in the fence earlier. 5 minutes later, breathing heavily a happy Casper materialises...still on the other side of the fence.Sausage! Now this is a wooded area, with dense brambles and foliage. He is further down, and it's impossible to get through unless through our garden. Sausage. OK... off I trek back to our garden to get into the wood. I climb over the fence, and head up struggling through the overgrown area which leads up into the wood. I glance back to the paddock..hey presto! There are 3 dogs in there! Sausage, sausage!!! OK..I need to get back to the paddock. Head to the back of house, and sausage! The back door is locked. So head round the cottage towards the paddock. Casper, Benson and Bramble very waggy tailed, a bit bemused as to why I had left them. I open the gate, and sausage, sausage!! All three (led by Bramble) disappear down the lane! Benson comes back sign of Bramble (in season...) and Casper. Again, a few minutes later Casper trots back up the lane, followed by Bramble. Deeply relieved, in silence we head back home. I had been inside, maybe a minute or so when the retired farmer at the top of the lane knocks on the door, he sees all three, but comments he has had 2 phone calls saying that 2 loose black labs were running up the road heading in the direction of the sheep. Not yours then I see...he says...looking with displeasure at mine..."err... no ...of course not.." I smile back at him, then smile at my tired but happy labradors. Not a peep out of them...
Can't help laughing! Hope you're recovering with a large mug of tea / coffee - or something stronger.
Honestly my language was particularly spicy this morning! And the one likes him, he was never a proper farmer, moved in a few years ago and promptly started sabotaging the public footpaths going across the farmland. We have never minded the odd stray walker, he just hates them! What sheep anyhow? I was really annoyed with his comment "the direction of the sheep" So quite pleased when he turned up all three were quietly sat gazing innocently up at him..
Casper, Benson and Bramble want to know what you've done with all those sausages - and please may they have one?
Definitely a 'sausage' day! What a horrible farmer. Perhaps you could have said 'yes I saw two Labradors running up the road, I think they went that way" and sending him on a wild goose chase!!!
Oh Kate you do tell a great story, I feel like I am in the paddock with you Good dogs in the presence of HORRIBLE farmer. I am with you with "farmers" we have one here too, sabotaging footpaths we have all walked for many, many years, shouting, threatening dog walkers if they dare to walk them even though they are official paths that run along or through their land. To hell with them, I still walk them They are selling so we are all hoping for a nice land owner next time, won't hold my breathe though x
Marcus went down to the paddock to sort the hole out. Bramble went with him to show EXACTLY where Casper went! Can you believe how small the hole is? Seriously someone ought to tell him he has a bad back!
They were both interested a few days ago, but not so much now. Casper seems to know and is very gentle with her. It is really hard to see that she is in season at all, and tbh if I hadn't spotted the couple of spots of blood I wouldn't have checked her ehem ladybits. She is only a little puffy down there, and keeps herself spotless. Benson had been implanted back in September, so this will wear of around February. Bramble is now a bit more active and distracted, wouldn't trust her outside the front door right now without her collar and lead on!