Hmmm, she doesn't seem to have any slippers. She has these big funny socks she wears with the clothes she puts on when it gets dark. They have tassels which are great fun to chew and chase. Maybe I should bring her these? Luna
Definately bring her the socks with tassels.......but why do they need tassels? I usually chew them off before giving them to my mum and she always say 'thanks then Harley, I didn't like the tassels really!', so they must not like them either??
I'm a scruffy boy he he. You should see me I even got mud on my fur. I want to keep it but ...........oh no here comes the tickly brush he he he. Stop stop he he.
I'm back in the city! There isn't a beach - boo! But I went to the Common and got very muddy instead! I'm also back playing my best game - according to Mum, it's called 'a right bloomin' rigmarole'! I ask to go out, then bark at the foxes! Then I pretend to be all scared. So Mum gets Charlie, and then I play with him instead of having my poo! It's great! Betsy!
Hey Betsy, don't waste your time barking at the foxes, roll in their poo instead ! Today, mum said that we're going to see Grandma after a walk in my new favourite place, a huuuge orchard! I thought I'd make myself look and smell good for Grandma.....found a lovely smelly pile of fox poo and had a good roll just for Grandma!! Mum wasn't too pleased, strange Luv Maisie
That sounds fab! Only, Mum is a bit nutty about keeping me away from poo. So I neva get the chance! Charlie says it's because I'm a silly girl and girls eat poo - and Mum says she couldn't stand it. It's twue, I suppose - I weally, weally, weally want to eat horse poo! Betsy!
Hee hee - I ripped open a box of coffee Mum had delivered. I tried to chase the postman away by barking, but he shoved it through the I opened it. I didn't open the inside packet, honest. Mum just laughed when she came in & discovered it because I did my best wiggly bum, no-one can be angry at a wiggly bum.
Oh Betsy, poo tastes really really good. You really should run away from your mum more often and eat some. We've just been away at the river where the hoomans sleep in funny pop up material things. Anyway, there was lots of cow poo to eat! It was so yummy! Then, one day my buddies and I found some extra tasty poo but we had to push some soft white paper off it to get to it. Mum shouted my name really loudly and ran over and grabbed my collar and dragged me away, which is strange because she doesn't usually act like that. She did look a bit sick though so I'll forgive her this time.
Sorry Charlie, she won't send her back. When I eat poo, mum (and dad for that matter) just go through this pantomime of "oh Coco, you are so disgusting. Leave it!" But I swallow it quickly and NOTHING bad has EVER happened. Well, I lie, sometimes I get a worm tablet - yuck - but worm tablets come with CHEESE - yumm. It's actually really funny.
I had a really good poo day today. First I found some cat poo, then Mum got all cross so I pretended to be a good boy - and when we got to the field Mum waited for ages before she let me off the lead. THEN, I raced all the way back to the start of the field to eat some really tasty poo I had smelt on the way in. Then I ran back to Mum and got some Turkey - then I ran away again for more poo. Mum fell for that twice more - it was smashing!! She did put my lead back on after that . It's ages since I had a good poo fest like that. I think it's a good idea to pretend not to like poo anymore then have a really good day scoffing loads . Ripple
Ooh Betsy, you should come sploring with dad and me in the Forestofdean. There's all sorts of tasty poo. Holly
Betsy, you've really got to try horse poo because it's delishus, especially when it's all fresh! You have to run ahead down a track where horses have been, pretending that you're being really good and just sniffing lots and exploring. Keep looking back at your mum and go back to touch base with her sometimes, then when you smell some horse poo ahead just run for it and gobble quickly before mum calls you back! Horses poo in big dollops, so you can easily grab a bit to eat while you're being ever so good at recall. Hope you find some soon. Tuppy
Hmmmm.... I've never tried that. Sounds like it's worth a shot.... But I'm not sure my bum wiggles....
Went to the seaside for my walk today. I like the seaside but I don't like it if my toes can't touch the bottom in the water. Mum throws my ball in the waves and I wait for a bit then it comes back ALL ON ITS OWN - I don't need to do anything then I pick it up and give it to Mum for a treat . But today it all went wrong - my ball didn't come back it just bobbed up and down, I shouted at it but it still didn't come back. Dad came to the rescue he waded in to the water in his WELLIES to get it . THEN a wave came and filled his wellies to the top with water ,Dad said it was freezing. His feet were all squelchy and making funny noises and Dad was making funny noises too. He had to empty all the water out of his boots and wring his socks out. But it was all good cos I got my ball back . Ripple
My eye is sticky I had to go see the bum man. He didn't stick anything in my bum he stuck in my eye m MY EYE! What a rude man. Bums bad enough. Ging was no help either still I got loads of treats and a cuddle from the bum man. Eyes still sticky though
I am so bored, done nothing but sleep as it is to hot to go outside. I told dad I want to go to the beach, as I got my skipping stone and showed him. He said no as I can't be off leash while being in season. 'Don't want any strange boys coming up now do we' he said. Not sure what he meant by that. Be another few weeks yet before beach time... So he got the sprinklers on instead and I get a new pool tomorrow as my other one broke after last time. Vanilla
I have a question for everybodies, Mum said its Noo Year and Kriss Mus has gone , where has it gone? It didn't say bye bye Ripple and everybody says bye bye Ripple when they go (even hooman sister visitor who got me into trouble said bye bye Ripple when she went). I liked Kriss Mus, it smelt really good. Ripple
You're right Ripple. I couldn't put my paw on what had happened, but you're right - Kriss Mus has gone. Thank you for putting my mind at rest. I wonder if it will be back soon? -Coco