Don't worry everyone, I will not be going back to that daycare - it's not the right place for me. Thank you for calling me pretty, Stanley
I'm sad that you didn't like your daycare Stanley You should come to's great.......we've got a ball pool, a small agility course, a big garden to play in, nice comfy sofas and my friends there are really fun??
Quinn, so sorry you had such a bad daycare day. I've never been to one, mum says I'm "too much" ?? Whatever!
Mine says I'm too much too but I suspect she means I'm much too handsome. Yours probably means that too. Well I think that's what they mean
Oh Harley, you are a brave girl! Well done. Remember I'll come and look after you any time and if anyone is scary I will GROWL at them. (I've been practicing that in my sleep, mum says I am a vicious dog.)
Oh Quinn, mate, I'm sorry you had a bad time! I used to really really really really love going to daycare because it was all nice dogs and lots of space and corners to chill out in if I wanted, but then it got busier and busier and sometimes there were some dogs there that didn't play very nice, and sometimes the hoomans weren't watching so no-one could come and sort it out. And I got a bit worried and sort of badexcitedstressedexcitedbrainexplodestressexcited..... do you know what I mean? So although I sort of wanted to go, I sort of didn't like it too. So I'm quite glad I don't go there any more (I go to KENNELS instead and I really like it although mum didn't think I would).
Pongo, I know just what you mean! It's fun for a bit, but then gets not fun when your mum isn't there when you're done with all the playing. Also NOT FUN because I had to get EYE DROPS from Dr. Vinny and I hatehatehate eye drops. Coco, don't worry about daycare. You get nice walkies and treats with your mum and that is better in my opinion! Quinn
When I lie in the sofa upside down and a bit hanging off I get savaged by Moo, every time. I was having tummy rub this morning and it happened again. I'm not doing anything honestly. She is a very vicious old lady .
I've had a lovely morning. After daddy had served my breakfast he put on his dogwalk jacket. We went to the forestofdean and walked for miles. We splored some new paths together and found two new wallows. When we got home it was lunchtime so he got me a bonio. I love long daddywalks.
Its not like swimming. They make me stand in a warm puddle in the house and pour smelly water all over me. Afterwards I don't smell of nice things like mud and poo, but smell of human things. Its really horrible.
I was a hero today I stopped wilfy pup running away. I distracted him and then bought him back when I got called in. Ging grabbed that naughty boy and his squeely baby girl stroked me and called me cute and a good boy. I licked her nose she's lovely her fingers and toes taste nice too.WIlf is nice but he's so silly he shouldn't go off with strangers.
Mum says I'm going on Holleedays and will be staying with an Arntee for a few nights. I don't know what an Arntee is! She says it will be super fun and I'll learn all sorts of new things from this Arntee's dogs. I hope they teach me fun things, like how to be bigger so I can reach more stuff! Mum says when she collects me from Arntee, we'll be staying in a new home a long way away but it will be much better. As long as she's there, I think I'll like it. She said something about seeing the see, which is a bit odd. Even odder, she said I will be able to swim in the see. How do you swim in see? I think she's had too much of that red stuff to drink. Luna
Ohmygosh, it's so exciting! Mum says we're going somewhere new and there are FIVE beaches to play on nearby. FIVE! And we'll be there for five whole weeks! I can't wait! Aaaaaaaargh!! I LOVE THE SEASIDE!!! Willow
A few days without the little one. Perfect. Mum's cuddles will be all for me again. I don't care where I am, as long as I get cuddles. Shadow
You don't mean that, Shadow! You will miss me! You said I started smelling more like a girl and you think I might be fun after all! You said it! Luna
Holly, I don't understand why you don't like baths? They are the best! I'll agree about the bad hooman smell but the water, the scratching and rubbing, the game at the end where they try to dry you and you end up running really fast round and round the house? What's not to love? I was clever this morning. You see, I've had a bit of a sore tummy so I've had to wake mum up a couple of times to let me outside. She didn't know I was feeling better today so, when I called out at 4.30am and she came running, I pretended to run towards the garden then, I turned and ran up the hallway and jumped into mum and dads bed I thought shed be mad but she just said "oh Ella" and climbed in with me
Thats a great idea for getting the best place on the bed. My method is to wait until they're asleep and slowly crawl up the bed between them. They get a nice surprise when they wake up and my head's on the pillow!