Yogi has arrived

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by camo, Dec 22, 2016.

  1. Emily_BabbelHund

    Emily_BabbelHund Longest on the Forum without an actual dog

    Jul 31, 2016
    Regensburg, Germany (Bavaria)
    That's great news... they will be such buddies! Especially when Yogi is a bit bigger and can really get in there and wrestle with Bear. :)

    I've not spent a lot of time around Labs yet, but had a pit bull and it's true they have a unique play style that can take some getting used to. Nothing dangerous (my girl was super sweet with little brother Brogan), just very, very loud and boisterous! As in "hide the coffee table and batten down the hatches" level of boisterous. So Bear is probably adjusting to how to play with (comparatively) tiny Yogi. But it's great having two like that (adult and baby) - the babies learn so much and both have so much fun.
    camo likes this.
  2. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Benson played very gently with Bramble. Once she squealed....Benson just looked at her in horror, then at me to say..."oops....puppy broken! New one please!" :D
    I think I have it on a vid clip somewhere...:rolleyes:
    Granca, camo and Rosie like this.
  3. MF

    MF Registered Users

    May 5, 2014
    Cape Town, South Africa
    Gorgeous!! What is their age difference?
    camo likes this.
  4. camo

    camo Registered Users

    Apr 24, 2016
    Oh you have to dig that video up!!!

    Bear is nearly 10months, and Yogi is just 8 weeks, so they are both really just puppies, just one weighs 40kg:eek:
  5. camo

    camo Registered Users

    Apr 24, 2016
    Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have a great day with your families, and puppies:pull:.

    Yogi has found a strategic advantage today, unfortunately I didn't get the film of Bear trying so hard to fit under the car:cwl:

  6. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    Oh he is so cute. Happy Christmas to you too
  7. camo

    camo Registered Users

    Apr 24, 2016
    Yogi has stolen Bears Christmas toy, and nearly steals my iPad "Yogi, iPad covers are not toys":idea:

    Jonathan Wang and MF like this.
  8. camo

    camo Registered Users

    Apr 24, 2016
    We got a new Yogi Rug:D.


    It's hard to believe that Yogi is already 11 weeks old. He is settling in really well, Bear and Yogi are best of mates, and Bear has now settled into size appropriate play:rolleyes:, toilet training is going well, he is sitting and laying on command (having Bear is actually helping with these things, especially the toilet training). We have settled into a good daily routine.

    Of cause not everything is perfect, here Yogi is laying in the puddle of water developed when he decided to turn the water bowl over. The water bowl has disappeared, because Bear thought hey, this half overturned water bowl sounds like a great toy, and picked it up and ran off with it.

    I am now on the look out for a heavy water bowl:D
  9. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Luna is also a water tipper. If she can't tip the bowl, she digs in it. So she doesn't have free access to water, I offer it to her frequently instead. I hope she'll grow out of it one day, but don't imagine that will be for a good while!
    camo likes this.
  10. Jenny B

    Jenny B Registered Users

    Dec 24, 2016
    Ours did that for months during the day. And then chewed the non slip stuff from the base (tiul I sprayed it with no chew stuff). It was impressive the day I came home and the water bowl was still there. The odd occasion she still plays with it but most days its used as a water holder.....
    camo likes this.
  11. Deb - Archie's Human

    Deb - Archie's Human Registered Users

    Sep 25, 2016
    Yogi is soooooooo adorable!!! It sounds like you will be having loads of fun with those two boys!!
    camo likes this.
  12. Jonathan Wang

    Jonathan Wang Registered Users

    Aug 22, 2016
    Yogis such a cutie!
    Has Yogi changed Bears general behavior? I'm interested in knowing since i'm still mulling if Kibs should get a brother or sister.
    camo likes this.
  13. camo

    camo Registered Users

    Apr 24, 2016
    Yogi does the digging thing too. I took Yogi to puppy preschool last week, and the vet nurse running the course was the same one who ran it with Bear, the first thing she said is she will just grab some more towels to put down around the water bowls (so they have a reputation:)). I'm sure they will mostly grow out of it, my previous boy Storm did the same as a puppy and mostly grew out of it, except if it was a really hot day.

    I really think it has been a positive thing for Bear and Yogi, so far (touch wood). This isn't my first time of having two dogs so close in age, my previous boys Storm and Shadow (a Labrador and German Shepheard) were only 6 months apart in age. I did worry though that I had just got lucky with Storm and Shadow.

    Bear has always been a fairly easy going puppy, but also happy to play and play (if he has a willing partner). This was the main thing I was concerned about, basically ending up with two uncontrollable puppies completely ignoring me.

    I have actually found Bear seems more rounded in personality, and Yogi seems to be picking things up very fast, and I suspect Bears influence is helping with this. I think the key is to have routines that includes them playing together, you playing with them, and individual time and training. I really do believe two dogs being part of your family is a great thing, so for me, I am very happy to put in the work to make this successful.

    It's certainly not a case of less time consuming, but at the same time it's not been overwhelming (perhaps that's partly because I am already in puppy training mode). I think for a puppy of only 11 months, Bear is really taking on the role of big brother, and most influences on Yogi are positive ones.

    My two are pets, so as far as training goes, I just expect the basics, not jumping on people, sitting, laying down, staying, comming when called, and being able to be walked on a lead. Bear had all of these to a level I was happy with, except recall (which was not perfect, but I put that down to age). I think this has helped a lot, I think I would have held off a bit longer if he was a bit more out of control.

    To give an example of settled and content Bear, right now, Yogi has gone to bed, and Bear has snuck his way onto the bed, I am typing this as Bear lays on his back, getting intermittent scratches on the chest, as I type and the gap gets too large between a scratch, Bear gently paws my arm, as if to say again:).

    I hope some of what I have said has been helpful. I think it's probably also important to say that Yogi is only 11 weeks old and from memory Bear was most bitey and crazy between 12 weeks and 16 weeks, so perhaps I should be waiting another month or so before I start giving myself hi five's:celebrate::)
  14. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Awwww, lovely. I find they bond with each other better when the gap is small. Tatze is three now and not as close to Mollie as she was to Gypsy :)
  15. Jonathan Wang

    Jonathan Wang Registered Users

    Aug 22, 2016
    Thats great to hear, I just sometimes wonder cause Kibs is such a jealous pup, hes really a good boy but when it comes to me petting other dogs its a big no no hahahaha.
  16. camo

    camo Registered Users

    Apr 24, 2016
    Bear thinks all pats and cuddles belong to him, but his jealousy isn't aggressive in any way, but if I am petting another dog and I don't stop him, he will try to push his way between me and the other dog to take the affection. I think that's normal (well at least with the dogs I have owned). I do try though to make sure the love is shared around:D
    Samantha Jones likes this.
  17. Jonathan Wang

    Jonathan Wang Registered Users

    Aug 22, 2016
    Lol I think bear and kibs have the same type of personality.
  18. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Bailey is like this too - if I'm fussing another dog he tries to get in between us so I'm fussing him not the other dog - but at the same time he thinks the other dog should be playing with him not being fussed!

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