Hate leaving the house when Rolo is there and I have to go to work.... Hes in day care some days a week... And I will be back over there on my lunch its just not nice I also have obsessive visions when Im at work that I didnt lock his crate, and he escapes and ruins my kitchen :')
Its horrible isn't it. The OH and my work schedules usually mean that Ella's only on her own around three hours but every now and then we clash and have to leave her for a much longer time. I suffer from major mum guilt on those days as I hate leaving her for too long and hate leaving the kid in childcare for too many hours as well
Yes it really is, I give him extra fuss when hes been left for longer, its Normally only Mondays and other days is usually only 3/4 hours in the morning, then hes at daycare or with my OH's mum or I go home! Mum guilt.. I love that! I bet your baby has more fun at daycare and our dogs love snoozing the day away and we just bring the guilt ourselves!
Well Baxter's had my undivided attention for the last two weeks. He's been curled up beside me as i managed to fall down the stairs, from top to bottom! Stopped when i hit the stair gate ended up in crutches with two broken toes, caught them on the spindles on the way down lol.. can laugh now but at the time... Baxter has been great it's as if he knew to be careful around me and he would cuddle up with me on the couch bless him. Hubby has been on walking and training duty and glad to say Baxter didn't play up with him at classes he was actually really proud of him.
Oh I'm so very sorry. Glad you are now on the mend and headnurse Baxter is looking after you well. Hugs from us all here
Luna was left this morning for the first time while I took W&S out on a walk. This is the first time she's been entirely alone in the house. I watched her from the camera, which connects to my phone. She fell asleep on her Noodle toy and couldn't have cared less.
Extreme worry over a trip we are going on in 2.5 months for my brother's wedding - all Quinn's usual caregivers will be gone as well. Can't stop researching options and worrying about where to leave her!
OH's best mate has just got a border terrier pup. I'm going to meet him. I can't wait! I LOVE puppy cuddles more than anything. I don't even mind the teeth
@QuinnM15 could you join/ask on a local doggy Facebook group? That question pops up regularly on my local dog page. It'll give you a good starting point of places to visit and places to avoid.
Best walk ever got a taxi out into the countryside. Met some nice new dogs and people walked for miles . Saw some deer. Got happily muddy. We needed that. I also saw some I've not seen for about 10 months and had a nice catch up with him. Lovely
My husband just said "Mollie has been crowd surfing". He meant 'counter surfing' but a strange picture came to mind !
If we could all stop posting pictures of amazingly adorable puppies that would be BRILL! I have spent a large proportion of my day sending Nathan pictures of sprocker and cockerdor puppies and explaining why I simply must have one
So Wellington's currently being hit by a "bomb low" aka 150kph wind and lashing rain (Australia seems to be hogging all the summer this year). It's supposed to ease off later this morning which is good because I'm not taking Xena out in this - there's wind and then there's WIND! I'm so sick of wind, it makes me annoyed as sausage and it's totally distracting to Xena.