Nelly cries when she's about to poo. She whines a lot and clearly doesn't like pooing! I'm not concerned because she's not in pain as she's actually doing her business it's just the run up to it and she circles round a lot. Just a bit odd. Am I right that she probably feels quite vulnerable and almost embarrassed? Anyone else's puppy do this?
Embarrassed, no. But vulnerable, maybe. I read something (completely unscientific, so don't quote me on this!) that dogs often poo looking at you or another dig so that you can keep an eye on what's behind them! My puppy did this at first, but rarely does it now. She's more likely to if she's tired. The circling is perfectly normal. I think they all do that!
Quinn has cried when pooing - she had bright red blood previously as she likely had some tears from having diarrhea for a couple of days. She was obviously distressed/in pain. I don't think dogs feel embarrassed - I would definitely make a vet appointment.
Rory thinks he's wonderful when he does a poo runs about a shows off. he Prances and seems relieved and happy.
All mine have done this when little. No, she's not embarrassed- dogs don't have this emotion. But they can feel vulnerable when pooing, Mollie always goes in a quiet, sheltered corner. The little cry is useful as they get older - to let you know they need a poo. Mollie now goes to the door and cries for wees and poos ...
Luna had it the wrong way round and would cry after going. Handy. She's getting the hang of it now, though, between the million scheduled trips out a day
I'd never seen the circling until we got Scooby, he would spin round and round and round before a poo! It was funny every time! Coco just selects a spot, he's not too fussy, and plop!
Poppy does this funny two legged hop thing before she poos! She likes to go in a corner or away from me (as if she wants privacy! Though I know it's not) but if I go towards her she stops. Once she's done she'll come running up to me. She too can whine sometimes but she tends to whine either if she can't get/do something or when she's trying to sort her self out - to poo or to sleep. It's like a protest "do I really have to?!" whine! Sometimes she sniffs around for AGES and I'm regretting it limiting her garden area until she has obliged. I wonder if it's too late now?
We have a circler. Or a few paces back and forward along a fence line until she just gets the right place. Remember (oldies) a few years ago we had a discussion about alignment along ley lines or magnetic fields?
I also have a circler - ever decreasing and speedier circles until he finds just the right blade of grass then he then bounds around like a weight is off his mind
Kibs used to do that as well, he also had to push his front paws up against the wall and squat with his hind legs it was a sight to see... now he cant do it in front of anyone