We're waiting for the Pizza Man to come and bring Pizza! I love Pizza. Belle taught me about it - she found a box a long long time ago, in another world, and went on and on about it. I can't wait! - Coco <drooool>
We went out last night to a Pizza place. My humans said that is where we are going to eat dinner. I was not impressed, as I did not get my dinner in my normal bowl. I got it in my travel bowl, which I pointed out we are not traveling now. I also got loads of treats for behaving nicely while people and dogs walked past. Some where nice, but some barked and growled at me. I think it was because I had treats and they did not. I also met a 13 week Golde Retriever. He looked like me, just more fluffy. I was very very gentle with him, he kept on licking my face. That is because I am a big girl now We then went for Ice cream, they do doggy Ice cream. I did not get any at all as I have a very sensitive tummy . Got ice cube instead, that is OK for now... OK time for a sleep....
I am outraged! I left little pieces of my kong on the kitchen floor so I could snack on them later and my mum use the loud suck thing to move the all away and put them in the bin. I gave the loud sucking thing my best hard stair from the safety of my crate but it still took my snack away! Im thinking of calling dogline. Im starving! Alfie
I ate a pizza out of the fridge I only ate a bit of the plastic wrapping it was nice but a little spicy. I got onto a bit of bother but it was worth it. We had a new fridge and I can't open the door life can be so cruel
I am a bit confuzzled. We got in the car and drove a long time to a place called Ayr Port. I can't see any boats though. There are lots and lots and lots of people and they're all rushrushrush and don't want to talk to me, even when I try my biggest wag! I don't know why we're here. Luna
I had a bit of pizza last night. it was a tiny piece of crust, about an inch long. I am feeling as if I have missed out. There was't even any tomato or cheese on it. Plain bread. This is not what Belle spoke about. Alfie - do what I do, I bark at the noisy sucky-up thing and bite it. I don't like it. One day, I WILL destroy it. - Coco
Went to the beach house and stayed with some hooman friends and my bestest buddy Hamish. We went for an awesome sunset swim together. He's my best friend ever.
Mum left some crumpets on the side where I could reach them, when I took them she said 'they're not your crumpets Ripple, they're mine'. How could they be her crumpets when I could reach them? So unfair! Ripple (with a rumbling tummy).
I've had a really busy day. My big Hooman sister is home for the weekend so came for a walk with us. I seen my friend Jasper and went to say hi. This other dog who was walking with him came over to me and started growling. I stood still until he started making lots of noise in my face so I told him of then ran over to my mum who put my lead on until the other Hooman took him away from us. We carried on walking then I seen my other friends - Gus, Amber and Maisie. Gus didn't like the dog who growled at me so we walked off with our hoomans and played lots. When we got in the car we didn't go home!! I wanted to go and have my treat. Mum took me the vetman!! Mum put me on the scales and said she was happy coz I lost weight again......well I'm staaaaarving......that's why! The vetman was a women this time. I like her and gave her licks. She put a themommmmeter thing up my bum!!! Then she said she needed to examine it closer.....I won't tell you what she did next, but I was glad when she finished. She gave me loooooottts of treats as she said I was go good and had got soooooo much better at the vetmans place. Mum said I have to take a few medicines and can only have chicken and rice for the next few days....yuuuuummmmmmy. Mum says I have cooooollitus whatever that is. Anyway, I'm off for a snooze after all that excitement...zzzzzzzzzzz
I'm a bit jealous Ella, of you and Hamish on the beach. I had to make do with huge puddles as I miss the lovely sea. I did bum tucks when mummy was splashing they did get a bit deep. I would like to come and visit but mummy said it's 24 hours from my house to yours and I really couldn't sit still that long on a big plane (no idea what she's on about just wag tail in agreement), not even with a couple of kongs.
We went to town. It was pants but I got loads of treats for walking beautifully on my lead. I got lots of hugs from strangers too. Towns so boring
I tried to kill or a least maim today. I ambused gings mum. You can't see a small black dog on a dark rug can you. Well you can't can you. Tripped her Don't underestimate my demonic powers even when I'm sleeping i can do evil Moo