I've read up about an I'm not worried. I've diagnosed her myself I suppose. She has a bit of mucus type discharge and is licking it a lot. Just looking for reassurance that it will just go away in time and she will clean it herself?
Most bacterial infections will clear on their own, but if I were you , I`d pop her to the Vets,to be on the safe side as she may need antibiotics , good luck
Corona had vaginitis since I brought her home. She was spayed a few weeks ago and now I don't see any more discharge. It's not unusual but if you are worried, I'd get it checked out. Corona also has an inverted vulva, or more like "tucked in" a bit. I have to clean the area with a baby wipe once in a while to help prevent UTI's.
Ella still gets this (she'll be 2 in April). She has a slightly inverted vulva. Most of the time there will be a small amount of discharge after she wees and we won't see it again for months. The vet explained that, due to the inverted vulva, she gets a bit of a build up and it gets flushed out by her wee. However, on a couple of occasions the discharge has been visible a couple of days in a row and it's turned out to be an infection. I'd probably pop to the vet with a wee sample to be on the safe side.
Hi Olivia, Lilly also gets clear discharge from time to time which stains bedding. Sometimes you notice it outside after weeing. Lilly has been spayed otherwise i would worry about pyometra. In an unspayed dog (or should I say bitch!) I think its worth checking out with a vet that this is harmless, as the consequences of a pyometra are not very good
Xena had this at 5.5 months. I took her straight to the vet's, they took a swab, and it was an infection. She then had a short course of antibiotics. She has since been spayed and I haven't noticed any discharge since. Please get her checked out, you don't want her to be uncomfortable.