She called Labradors stupid yet she owns a Beagle? I mean, I know that Beagles aren't stupid, but they're not a quick study like Labs or BCs are known to be. You showed excellent self-restraint, SwampDonkey. BLOOMING XENA ATE MY KID'S WATCH! I've been searching for the watch since Tuesday. I've been sneaking it on for dog walks, but taking it off immediately and leaving it on the kitchen bench. When I couldn't find it, I assumed that I'd lost it on the trail. Then today I spotted some red plastic on the lawn. Thought it was a bit of rubbish, but it was part of the blooming clasp! Frantically searched the area and found the watch face, what appeared to be most of the plastic cover, and finally the strap and back of the watch behind the deck - battery intact (I hadn't even thought of the battery until I saw it!). BLOOMING DOG! I'm not telling Dawn. I'd rather she thinks I lost it than that it was eaten by Xena, Destroyer Of All That Is Precious.
That's it. The beginning of the Labrador Guilt Trip. Axel has learned it quickly (they all get there eventually). Welcome to the rest of your life.
Practised our "call front, finish right" tonight. Definitely improvement needed but not too bad
That's fab @Emily well done, I'm slightly envious of the summer clothes. Bit fed up now spring can't arrive quick enough now.
It's time for me to concentrate on Rory a little more. I feel more able to focus on him now. I'm spending time with moo due to age and now Doug has gone and I'm feeling ok. I done some classes and some one to one training and my usual stuff around and about, but I'd like to find something we both can do. I think I need some to help me structure things a little more and stretch him and me
Xena found an old boot this morning. She brought it inside and cuddled up to it on the sofa. Bloody weirdo.
Luna caught a biscuit! Wow! First thing she's ever caught. I made a massive fuss of her and she knew that she'd been super clever. Full body wags and everything
Must have been a coincidence that Ella wanted cuddles at the same time that I was eating toast. She ALWAYS wants to be on my lap when I'm eating but the funny thing is she's never once tried to take something off my plate.
Rory does the dance of stinky footwear. He finds horrible shoes on the park and prances around with his trophy. He chucks them in the air and catches them. In the end we have to take his prize away just to get a walk. He loves stinky shoes the older the better. He never touches ours though. He likes rubber too really likes rubber. Just a bit of a mild perv
Met a nice lady at training today. She's very experienced in obedience trials and dancing with dogs and was helping to teach me/Ella pivots to improve our left finish (her view was that Ella doesn't realise that her bum isn't coming in straight). Anyway, we start chatting and she said "now, I need to be upfront, I only believe in +R and blah blah blah". I started grinning and explained that she didn't need to justify her reasons to me as was already a member of the +R club
Mabel once found a £10 note in a hedge, I quickly removed from her mouth and spent it in the pet shop.
Aren't dogs just the most amazing creatures. Went to my parents new apartment yesterday Mabel gets very excited at the electric gates as she recognises where she is now. Gets out the car massive body wriggles even before she sees my parents. My mum has propped the external door open and Mabel doesn't see her, she races in gets to the lounge door and then walks really slowly to my dad and puts her head on his knee, turns round walks to the door then races to find my mum jumping all over her licking her face. My dad has Parkinson's and he is very very frail, I'm blown away by her care and understanding. Mum is strong active and full of vitally.