I had a miserable evening, Mum and Dad went out and I was in my big crate with a Kong when my tummy felt funny - I really needed to do a big big poo and no-one was here to take me out . I did the poo in my crate and it was all runny and yuk, my blanket went all yuk and smelly too. When Mum and Dad came home they made everything clean and nice again, and gave me big cuddles. But I still feel miserable .
Oh no, Ripple! I hope you get a new blanket - you can't have a poop blanket. Make them feel reeeeeallly guilty. Mums and dads shouldn't be allowed to go out without us. I always mean to kick off - but I get a tasty kong then I get tired and forget I'm supposed to be mad Stanley
Oh Ripple, it's horrid isn't it when you can't get out and you need to poo urgently. Have you been scavenging something to make your tummy funny? I hope you feel better soon and don't have to go to that place where someone sticks things into you to 'make you better'. Enjoy your big cuddles. Wispa
Oh no the bum man, you might have to see the bum man Ripple. Hope you're better soon so you don't . Rory x
Well - I might just have eaten something tasty I shouldn't have. But I wish Mum and Dad hadn't gone out, they're feeling really sorry now for putting me in my crate and saying they could have just left me in my basket, so perhaps it hasn't all been a bad evening I don't like the sound of the bum man Rory, you've got me all worried , and I don't want anyone sticking things in me Wispa . My blanket is going round and round in the big machine - I don't usually like my blanket going in there but I think it might smell better when it comes out. Ripple
And here's something else that happened when I went to the vets. I was waiting as patiently as I know how when a little woman who was circular in appearance strode right up to me and bent over and said "oh -- aren't you sweeeeeet" . Now I think I mentioned before that I am a SCOF ( Socially Confident and Over Friendly). Imagine my delight!. You see she had on one of those long, long bits of blanket that Hoomans wrap around and around their necks. Well, I've always wanted one, and thought since it fell on my face that this dear soul wouldn't mind if I got a hold of it and it would be ok to twist it round my twisty turny body. Well---she did mind. And it wasn't ok. It seems there's no winning. But the upside, my old girl was absolutely on my side and kept muttering things like "only 9 months" and "what are people thinking of" on the way home.
I had to get Mum up in the night to take me out for another poo, but she wasn't cross . But Dad wouldn't let me eat anything off the ground when we had our morning walk, and breakfast was a boring bowl of white stuff with a squirt of medicine on it. Hope dinner is better. Ripple
I hope you feel better, Ripple. I had to get Mum up in the night, too. She'd already been up twice with the annoying brown thing because she's been a bit squidgy "down there", too. Mum looks a bit bleary this morning, even after I woke her up with one of my super special licks that left her whole face shiny and wet. Shadow
Mommy left the bathroom door open by mistake today and I snuck in and ate ALLLL the cat's food PLUS it's poop!!! I dont understand why mommy gets so mad when I do that, doesnt she know just how incredibly yummy those are??? Especially the poop! I LOVEEEE the poop!
I had such a good roll in a lovely pile of fox poo today - it was amazing, I smelt awesome!! When I got home my mum put me in the bath though!!! How dare she!!? I hate the bath!! Very grumpy now but tummy rubs and chicken made it a tiny bit better.
My hooman is convinced I'm overweight. It all started after a visit to the vet to check out a lump in my armpit. The lump was ok and the vet gave me a really nice treat for standing still and not biting him (as if I would!). But then he said "She could do with losing a couple of kilos". And I won't tell you where he put the thermometer either. I hope he washes it. Anyway since then I've been on short rations and no amount of staring seems to get through. Fortunately they put me in kennels at the weekend and thank goodness forgot to tell the nice lady who looks after me to cut back on the food. Is there a hotline I can call to get the dog cruelty people around? This writing is tiring - just off for some serious sleeping.
Oh Rory! I had a squeaky ball for christmas - it squeaked for half an hour..then it went pfff pfff. But I got a new squeaker....and it's lasted ages...squeeeeeak squeeeeeak...I love it - Coco
I've got a squeaky frog its squeaks great even after a year. This ball us rubbish, I wouldn't like to be the man at the shop when ging takes it back she's a fierce monkey. I'm very upset. Also I'm thinking about changing my name to Thor