Sounds like I might have to. Mum keeps putting lovely yummy bread out on the thing in the garden for those dratted birds to eat. They drop it on the ground, though, so I can get most of it if I see it before mum does. Maybe I need to spend more time snuffling round there. Thanks for the warning, Ella. I still can't quite believe they would stop feeding me enough. That's AWFUL.
Sounds like the same sort of thing, Coco. Maybe I should try working on dad not mum. He might not be so cruel.
Oh no Pongo that doesn't sound good st all! My mummy said I was looking a bit chubby and my dad said it's just because I've gotten more fur lately. I hope she doesn't try and reduce my food - I'm starving as it is. Any more reduction and I'll waste away. Stanley
I'm sure there's been less in my bowl recently. Mum seems to be almost counting the bits of kibble and I thought I heard her say something about me looking a bit podgy too. Thanks for the warning, everyone. I'm on the case. I'm NOT going to be starved... Wispa
Yes! Our sleepoverfriend is still here this morning! She didn't eat my breakfast, but I ate mine so quickly that I managed to grab a mouthful of hers, even though mum was trying to guard it. I wonder if I'll look like her when I'm a bit older? We've had our walks and I was reeeeally pleased because mum walked her with me, so she must think I'm responsible and grown up. I wonder why she chose me and not Wispa?
My morning walk was rubbish , and all because Mummy said we couldn't go to the woods because a gale was blowing , I wonder who this Gale is ? Whoever she is , I don't like her one little bit if she is going to cause disruption like this .
Oh Sam, Gale's here too. I had to wait for mum to walk me this morning because of Gale. Then when we met our neighbourwhohasaballthrower and her dog, this invisible Gale kept blowing the ball the wrong way. I don't like Gale either. Wispa
Wispa , sorry Gale has been to visit you as well , she sounds a nasty piece of work to me , upsetting us all ,rubbish walks and balls going the wrong way , even the seagulls are flying backwards, I`ll be glad when she`s cleared off , licks Sam
Gale must be very quick because she is here too. Annie ran around like a daft thing, but I didn't because I could smell lovely things on the wind and the rain .......Fred
I'm confused because my mummy said that we had stay away from the woods because of Doris! Who is Doris and why haven't I seen Gale?
Doris & Gale came here too - and we couldn't go in the wood But I did have a nice lead walk where mum told me I was very very good all the time. We found beef on top of walls too. Mum says we MIGHT be able to go to the beach this afternoon. Depends on what Doris & Gale are doing. - Coco
Ha ha we had the dog-fearing boiler man in. I barked and barked. Mum tried to keep me busy with LOADS of bits of dried salmon strips - yummy, then I got 3, yes THREE, kongs smeared with peanut butter. The man has gone now - my barking saw him off I'm feeling rather full. And probably podgy. - Coco
We've got Doris but not Gale. My morning walk was a bit short as there was lots of white stuff and Mum said it was horrible out (I didn't mind as the white stuff kept getting in my eyes). When we got home we played the game where Mum puts a big fluffy thing on me and rubs, and I have to try and tear it to pieces . It wasn't much fun though cos Mum cried when I ripped it and said 'please be good Ripple my fingers are hurting with the cold' . I think I got a bit silly as I was barking and barking, then I jumped up Mum, then I ripped her trousers, and then she cried again and said she thought I'd be a good boy by now. Not a good day so far . Ripple
Well I love Doris and Gale !! I think they're fab!! We didn't go to the woods because of them but that's ok 'cos I love going to the lake anyway ---it's poo heaven - dog poo, duck poo and goose poo, otter poo and fox poo --- but today the green bit on the side had leaves blowing every which way and I ran and ran and jumped and turned and leapt into the water again and again! I hope Doris and Gale come back again another day!
Still not going well. Mum said we could do some indoor training and games - so she got out all the treats and hid my toys all over the dining room, then I had to bring them back for a treat. But the sofa was calling me and I thought I would give it a quick love-in first , then I couldn't take my mind off the sofa and forgot all about the toys. Mum got really fed up and put all my toys and the treats away and went and got her lunch and sat down. Now I've missed all the treats and Mum even forgot to give me my lunchtime kong . Can today get any worse? Ripple