Don't they just! Mine had to spend the afternoon behind the kitchen gate last week. The boiler man was very reluctant to check the radiator behind Wispa's crate until I'd shut them in the garden - and then didn't check the radiator again once he thought he'd got the heating going again. Yet on Saturday and again on Monday the dogs didn't react at all when a different engineer came because the heating had gone off again. Wispa's delighted her radiator is now warm!
It's 100% true The other morning Stanley had been sick in his crate and I was rushed for work. So I went upstairs & woke OH up and said can you clean it please. I got a rant about how if I left myself more time I'd be able to do it and it was his day off etc. Blah blah blah was all I heard really. As I was leaving all I heard from the kitchen was "awww boo. Have you been sick? Don't you worry, daddy will clean it for you". It's one of my favourite things about him how much he loves the dog
Lol! I thought I was the only one whose OH was soft! Mine calls Molly (a galumphing great dog) 'my little baby'.
Ive just had chemo and the ate 2 bags of cheese and onion crisps to take the taste away. I am now going to take Rory for a huge walk and hope I'm not sick. I an determined that today I will not be sick. No sick! I told him he's going have to be gentle with me and no silliness like. Do you think I stand a chance
So many trees got blown down on the park it was amazing and I got some giant Pine cones too. Had a great time and wasn't sick Rory was in la la land and pretended not to know his name or me . There was so many different things to smell. We met a sweet rottie called Lewis who is a bit scared of dogs but he a Rory really hit it off. A stupid man on a bike nearly ran me and Rory over then had a go about my dog being out if control. i gave him the biggest gob full. i honestly was furious it's not the first time I been hit it nearly hit by idiots cycling too fast in places they should not be. Rory and Moo are all tired and happy snoozing and im going to do some washing will the glamous lifestyle never end
Recently moved and our old post man LOVED dogs, brought treats and would pet them etc. Well fast forward to our new house, go to answer the door to our new postman (with my lab waiting by the door) and the minute the postman saw the dog he scrambled to cover his crotch in fear!! It was lightening speed how quick he reacted. I was like :O What on earth happened to him...Well now I keep the dogs shut in the living room
Stanley barked today when he was on his own I left at 8.30 then his dog walker came at around 10. She brought him back at 12.30 and apparently he barked and howled for ages. OH eventually had to get up to see what was wrong with him. Nothing apparently. Hope he's not going to start getting into a habit again. I'm probably just reading too much into it because of his barking previously
Once doesn't make a habit so don't freak out just yet. I'm sure he was just being a stroppy teen Blerg, 99% of the time I remember to put the tv remote out of the dog's reach. And then I don't. That's remote #2 for the big electronics graveyard in the sky. And the Smart tv ones are blooming expensive too. Probably should add that to the "how much does your dog cost" thread
I have decided that taking Ripple for swimming lessons is the best thing I've ever done with him. It makes him so tired, that for over 24 hours afterwards he is actually a good boy .
I went walking this morning with about 15 other people (plus dogs of course) from our dog club. I find it interesting that once they're off lead there are a few minutes of sniffing and chasing each other, but then they settle down into trotting along together, rather than playing. I guess it's because we're all moving forward, and in a forest, rather than in a park /recreation ground.
I'm at the in laws and I am hoping a meteror will strike me down.the dogs are being really good but even their patience will run out soon.
I commisioned and ceramic artist to do a piece for me today. It's of Doug I ihink he would would have liked her
That's my issue with the way things work here in Australia. We get off lead dog parks so all of the dogs run around like idiots together. I'd much rather take my dog for a walk off lead instead.